Chapter 17: Beach, Baby!

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A Taylor Swift song blared through the room as I woke up. I looked over to my right and saw Kayla dancing and rustling through her luggage. She waved excitedly at me, picking up her bikini and placing it against her pyjamas, looking in the mirror. She put it her bed and pulled out her other clothes.

"Get up, Sam!" Kayla smiled, taking my hand. "You need to get ready!"

"I'm getting up, okay?" I laughed, tumbling out of bed. Running into the bathroom, I washed up and then went downstairs to eat. I had cereal and then ran back upstairs.

I got dressed and then we all scrambled in the coach, with Jasmine too. Luckily, I was wearing my gold sandals and not heels, so I could run to the coach easily. The coach ride was less boring than the others. We were all dancing, shouting and singing.

Anyway, we arrived at twelve, so we had lunch in a posh place beside the beach. We all had fancy sandwiches. I didn't even know they existed, but yeah. It was so tasty. Anyway, Kayla, Tom, Jasmine, Ryan, Matt and I had some ice cream. Since it was my favourite flavour, I got bubblegum with chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles.

Holding our ice creams, we ran out into the beach and us four sat down on the golden sand. We were all wearing sunglasses and Matt's hand was over my shoulder and Tom's hand was over Kayla's shoulder. There was music blasting out from someone's radio and we were all dancing as if we were crazy.

After a while, us girls got into our bikinis, splashing around in the water. Then, Tom, Matt and Ryan walked up to us, each of them holding something behind their backs. We narrowed our eyes at them in confusion, but carried on having fun. The boys soon reached us and pulled out what was behind their backs. WATER GUNS! I ran as fast as possible, through the salty sea and yellow-gold sand. I ended up getting soaked, dripping water on my way to the theme park.

As I walked into the glorious theme park, my eyes lit up at all the bright, colourful rides and rollercoasters. A grin grew on my face as Matt held my hand. The first ride we went on was a tall, thin rollercoaster that went straight up, then straight down. At first, I had butterflies roaming in my stomach since I was so scared, but then, Matt, Kayla, Ryan, Jasmine and Tom reassured me that I wouldn't die.

We got strapped into the seats, me sitting beside Matt, Kayla with Tom and Jasmine with Ryan. The sound of the ride starting up, sounded like a train on a track. I took a deep breath as we went up. I screamed so much that my throat is still dry! We reached the top and I was literally breathless. I widened my eyes as we dropped to the ground, in a matter of seconds. Screaming insanely, I got off and felt so dizzy and sick.

The next ride we went on, was The Tunnel of Love. Ooh. We all sat in our couples and were taken into a dark tunnel. Soon, it was lit up by pink and red bright lights. The tunnel ended and we were taken to a fake scenery of doves in a lake. Then, the ride took us to another tunnel, where romantic music was played. There was huge, fake kiss marks on the walls of the tunnel and fake kissing sounds were playing in the background.

All three of us couples shared a quick smooch, and before we knew it, we realised that everybody was looking and we were out of the tunnel. I blushed as I got out of my seat. We also went on a tall, swirly slide. I seriously thought that I was going to vomit there! Our last ride, was one were you take a seat on this huge rectangle and it swings left and right really high. The whole time, I was clinging onto Kayla and Matt.

After that, we got back into the coach, to go to the hotel, so we could pack. Once we arrived, I packed up all my clothes and belongings.

"Jasmine!" I had a lump in my throat. "I'm gonna miss you so much!"

"Me too! Keep in touch; call, text, video chat, anything!" She giggled. Then, she pointed at Ryan. "And you too!"

I sat on the coach, waving crazily to Jasmine and my aunt. Gosh, I was gonna miss London! The coach drove to the airport. The ride was silent and boring. Sigh. Anyway, we arrived and sorted everything out, then got onto the plane. Matt, Tom, Kayla and I were watching movies and playing games.

I went to sleep very late and had to wake up very early. I brushed my teeth in the bathroom before we were landing. Grabbing my handbag, I got off the plane.

Smiling as I walked down the steps, I held Matt's hand. America! We went into the airport, got our bags and then went back to the boarding school.

Ah! I slumped onto my bed, then unpacked all of my clothes into my closet. I got into my pyjamas and went to sleep, even though it was ten in the morning. It was just that I had gotten no sleep at all on the plane.

Now that I had woken up, all I saw was a bright light, blocking my vision, and an Ed Sheeran song playing through the room. Gosh, Kayla, let me sleep for once, without waking up and hearing music!

"Turn the volume down! I'm trying to sleep here! Anyway, what time is it?" I yawned.

"Quarter to three in the afternoon, missy! Wake up, already!" Kayla groaned. I covered my head with the duvet and rested my head on the comfy pillow. Kayla wore her headphones as she ironed her clothes, dancing as she did so.

I got some rest, then brushed my teeth again. Then, with Kayla, I walked to Matt and Tom's room.

"I seriously don't wanna learn soon!" Kayla moaned.

"I know, right? Me neither." I huffed, crossing my arms.

We all watched television for an hour. I really don't want to go to classes and stuff. It all starts on Monday. Two days. Ugh.

Someone knocked on the door, so I went to open it. Ryan stood there, looking slightly upset and down.

"Missing Jasmine?" I sighed, cocking an eyebrow.

"Mm." He mumbled, looking at the ground.

"And you are here because...?" I bowed my head and shook it slowly, waiting for him to answer.

"Well, I don't really know, I just got bored." He looked up. I tilted my head a little and scrunched up my nose.

"So you came to Tom and Matt's room?" I smirked.

"Nah, I went to yours, but since there was no one there, I guessed that..." He side stepped me and made his way to their room. "You'll be here."

"Alright," I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. "Now what?" He ignored me and sat where I was. I took in a sharp breath and went back over to them.

"What're you watching?" He squinted at the television and pulled a disgusted look. "A reality show?! Sam picked it, didn't she?" He chuckled and we all narrowed our eyes at him silently.

The day went on like that. Ryan in Tom and Matt's room, watching television and trying to make conversation with him.

I looked at the time and headed downstairs for a cup of tea and biscuits, before going back to my room. After changing into my pyjamas, I went to sleep.


This time, Lana Del Rey songs were blasting through the room. Well, at least it was a good song. I groaned and covered my ears with my duvet, putting my head under the pillow.

"No!" Kayla pulled the pillow off. "You need to get into the habit of waking up early for lessons."

"Why do we even have to wake up early?" I sat upright on my bed, but my head was swung backwards. "I mean, we literally live here."

"I don't know," She sighed, "But get up, and come jogging with me."

I groaned but got up. I got ready and then ate some healthy salad and an apple with some juice. Kayla and I then went out to jog, run and exercise.

"So, can I be the bridesmaid?" Kayla grinned at me, while jogging in the park.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You know, " She let out a laugh, "When you and Matt get married. "

"Kayla!" We stopped to catch our breath. "We're teenagers and we've only know each other for weeks."

"You never know, some time in the future..." She said as I glared at her, "There may be a little Matt Jr. and-"

"Kayla!" I shouted again, playfully pushing her. We both laughed and carried on jogging.

An hour later, we went back to the boarding school and went to the gym. Then, we went to have lunch. They gave us a choice of lasagne or pasta. Well, I love lasagne, and you know that, so I definitely chose that. After eating, I went upstairs to my room and read for a while.

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