i. allium

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i. allium
❝ you are shaped by how others see you. ❞

      Mei Xiu was never a simple person, she was made up of intricate designs strung with feelings that no one could really decipher. She was wild at heart and no one can really calm a fire like her that burned so brightly and passionately. At the tender age of 8 she discovered something that most people would spend half a lifetime searching for; a purpose. It wasn't until she saw her older brother play the violin at a school showcase that she truly fell in love with music.

And now here she is, days away from her debut, and the leader for the Chinese promotions of a KPOP group. If you were to tell Mei that this were to happen to her she would simply have laughed and waved you off before continuously practicing her violin 'til every note was played with perfection. If you listen carefully you'd be able to hear the hard work and dedication she poured into music.

"Unnie," Kimi panted after finishing practice. Her forehead glistened with sweat and her chest heaved up and down with every heavy breath, "the rest of us are going back to the dorms and ordering some takeout. Do you want to go to the convenience store with Izzy and I?"

The Chinese girl shook her head with a smile before waving the younger girl off. Her legs began to burn from dancing and her lungs begged for water. "You guys go ahead, I'm going to stay here and finish some things up," she told the members. Much like their sunbaes, EXO, the 12 girls were split into sub units for Chinese promotions. For L.I.T.C. there's Mei, Natalie, Ari, Koko, Jin, and Kimi. However it's not like they're the only ones promoting in China, they're just the main focus.

Let's say for example there's a promotion in Korea, they all go do it together it's just that Mary is the leader. And if it was the same in China then Mei Xiu was expected to lead. They were still on group doing different promotions, but they helped ease the struggles bit by bit.

Koko frowned and exchanged uneasy looks with the rest of the Chinese unit members before nodding slowly. "If you say so, Mei," she chirped as they slung their bags over their shoulder. The rapper smiled brightly before waving goodbye, "don't overwork yourself, Xiu Xiu! We'll make sure Manager Yang orders you dinner as well!"

"I'm just going to eat it," Kimi teased as they made their way to the door. They all shouted their goodbyes before leaving Mei Xiu alone in the now empty dance room.

"Thank god," the leader murmured to herself as she threw her body onto the couch and pulled out her phone. She eagerly searched on YouTube and scrolled excitedly, looking for the video on her subscription list. Mei squealed as she shoved an earbud in her ear, "Min Yoongi I swear to God if you look fire in this video I will kill you myself. You're being rude as fuck, stop. And they're covering SHINWA's Perfect as well? Today might just be my lucky day. But why you gotta be so rude dude."

She watched in awe as the six boys—Mei even forced Sen to give Jin to give to Namjoon a fruit basket—as they danced their hearts on stage. Mei took every little note on their body movements and how to properly hold the right note without straining your vocal chords. Every little detail was taken into note; from the right facial expressions, the right amount of exertion you must perform with, and whether or not your dedication truly shows.

"How can someone be so beautiful," Mei whispered to herself, one hand holding her phone and the other clutching the collar of her sweaty tee shirt. Her smile was so wide she could feel her cheeks cramp up. "Min Yoongi, why are you rude as fuck?"

"Isn't that Bangtan Sonyeonndan? What did Suga-ssi ever do to you to deserve such colorful words?" Mei flinched and nearly punched the source of the voice next to her exposed ear. She quickly turned around to see Suho of EXO standing next to the couch with a small smile on his face and hands deep in the pockets of his sweat pants. She gulped visibly to which he chuckled at. "Annyeonghaseyo, Suho imnida."

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