v. astrantia

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v. astrantia
❝ you're not my home anymore. ❞

       Lily and Kyungsoo together makes a very pure pair and the producers of the shows were glad that they were stuck together. Everyone knew that the two would be very refreshing and sweet from the other groups with Lily's sweetness and Kyungsoo's natural shy nature they are to make a very special segment for their time on the show.

Lily leaned into the camera a bit to look at her reflection as she began fixing her hair a bit. From a distance you can see Kyungsoo smile at her actions.

"God I look disgusting today," Lily mumbled to herself as she attempts to fix her hair part. Kyungsoo frowned a bit at her statement as Lily leaned back into her seat, her hands awkwardly placed on her lap.

"You still look beautiful," Kyungsoo found himself saying, instantly regretting the words that left his lips right after. The camera man even cringed at his actions before shaking his head slightly. "Sorry, sorry that was wrong for me to say."

"No, no, uh thank you,"Lily thanked her senior as she slightly bowed her head. Her dark brown hair was brushed carefully and slowly leaving no strands out of place and making sure it was neat and pristine like the singer herself. The mild Daegu accent that most in her family accentuated struggle against the Seoul dialect she hasn't perfected. She smiled before sighing, "This is quite awkward, isn't it? I'm sorry that I'm so shy, I'm just not used to meeting new people without my members."

"Actually I'm the same as well. It takes me awhile to open up to others," Kyungsoo admits shyly as he stared down at his calloused hands. They were rough from the lack of care due to his heavy schedule and he could feel his eyelids weigh heavily because of his short slumber. The lead vocal lifted his head and turned to Lily, still his gaze did not rest on the beauty beside him. "Who did you actually want to get paired up with?"

The Seoul born girl smiled at he continued their conversation, slightly relieved with not having to face the tense silence she answered his question. "Truthfully I wanted to work with Baekhyun. The reason why is because I myself am very shy, I think that's why because he's very energetic. But I'm glad I get to work with you as well, you're a great singer and I hope to learn a lot from you."

"You're a great singer as well!" the awkward man exclaimed as he finally looked her in the eyes. However as soon as his brown eyes met her own he instantly regret it because her gaze was so deep and in a way, a sweet tick of deadliness. Kyungsoo gulped heavily as he lowered his gaze so he was looking at her whole face instead of the beautiful orbs that held her secrets. "I've heard you sing before when you were a trainee. I think that you're doing really well."

A soft, rose blush reached Lily's cheeks as they spread across the pale, snow like skin. Embarrassed that she was caught she placed one hand on one of her hot cheeks. "Oh, uh, thank you, Kyungsoo-ssi."

The black SUV was slowly filled with short, innocent conversations, talks of music interests, and the simple little things that began to break down the wall of tension in between the shy idols. It was as if the gears are finally turning because effort was being placed to start something anew and refreshing. But Lily was worried and she had every right to be as every word uttered past his lips tore down her walls that kissed the sky. 

She was reckless in her love, she loved everything and everyone and that itself was a danger. Because sometimes when that love isn't reciprocated she hurts far more than she ever expect. She wasn't falling in love, but would it really be so bad to fall in love with a man like Do Kyungsoo? What could ever go wrong?

The two idols arrived shortly at Kyungsoo's hometown of Goyang. The SUV drove into one of the smaller neighborhoods and up the alleyway before stopping at a row of tall, apartment buildings that looked a bit worn down. The whole way into Goyang the male idol was fascinated with everything he saw, pointing out memories that places held deep in his heart. Everyone couldn't help but smile at his excitement.

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