{10} pick and choose

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Here's the story about how I helped you pick between Rebecca and Lacy.

It was nearing the end of the year and you remember how we had study hall second to last period on Mondays. It was me you and three others from our grade, but you and I always sat together. 

I always liked study hall and how you sat next to me. There are a few fun conversations to be remembered. All in due time of course, because my mission is to dredge up the smallest of memories and remind myself and you of them. 

You told me that I should come with you outside. And I did. 

You told me that you trusted me and that I shouldn't repeat what you were about to tell me and I agreed of course because by now I was curious.

You told me you had a dilmma: a decision to be made between Lacy and Rebecca. I listened to you tell me that although you liked Lacy, the moment she heard you liked her she stopped liking you. 

I raised an eyebrow at that. Yeah, Lacy was odd that way and apparently this type of mood swing is common ground with her. I shook my head when you told me, knowing that that type of emotional crap wasn't for you.

Then you told me Rebecca was more than willing to be friends with benefits and that unlike Lacy she wasn't looking for a relationship. I nodded at this because that meant no bullshit or emotions here. A rather good deal for you, I thought.

So we debated the pros and cons of each and settled on Rebecca. You had to make the decision before the weekend when you were meeting up with her anyways. And so you told me about her from time to time and I was just glad you trusted me enought to tell me. It was a step in the right direction because I was one of the few people you'd told about her, and that made me feel like a good friend right then. 

This is completely hopeless, isn't it?



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