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Renesmee Cullen

I had never given much thought about death. It was never fascinating to me.

My mom believed it was noble to die in the arms of the person you truly loved. She was lucky. She couldn't die. Neither could my father, or anyone from my family.

But what if I didn't know who it was? What if I didn't know who was the one for me?

What if I had no idea about the future?

What was going to happen to me?

My life began to change drastically after a high school party. Victoria Andrews, one of the most respected students in my school was throwing a grand party the week before the start of the new school year. She was going to celebrate her sixteenth birthday and everyone was invited, even the new Freshman class. The Internet was a blessing and a curse. All of my classmates had been discussing it throughout the summer holidays. Everyone would propose their help - either with bringing homemade snacks or with decorating. Such a sensation!

Of course, my parents, at first, didn't want me to attend it. I had to beg on my knees to get what I wanted. Imagine what embarrassment I had to experience to enjoy myself on a Friday night!

"Mom, Dad, please! Let me go and have fun!"

"You're too young!", Father refused.

"Father," I looked at him askew. "For the human society, I am a sophomore! My classmates will mock me if I don't go! Besides, I was invited. I have to go!"

Partly, I could understand him. I, alongside my siblings, had been alive for barely six years. But I identified myself as an adolescent. Because that was what I was - just a girl with human and vampire genetics, who couldn't help but age faster than her peers. My parents were scared of Charlie and I's fast growth. At the end of the day, it still didn't change the fact that we were also monsters, half one actually. Monsters were supposed to be scary. It was our job.

"So, may I go, please?", I repeated myself.

Father exchanged a glance with my mother, before sighing. "I suppose you may."

Just the answer I wanted to hear. Elated, I hugged them both as tight as I could. Of course, they were much stronger than me. And their embrace was unpleasantly cold, but I was used to that.

Aunt Alice was pumped to help me get ready for the party. I felt sorry for her - even as a human, she had had the ability to see the future, which had caused her to spend time in an asylum. She hadn't had the possibility to act like a normal young woman. She had embodied the part of our stylist and hairdresser, sometimes aunt Rosalie joining her.

The condition under which I was allowed to go to the party was to bring either Charlie either an adult with myself as well. And I obviously chose Jacob. It was going to be less suspicious. Besides, we had been best friends since eternity and the girls were dying to see him, after hearing so much about him. For them, he was like a sex God. And I, just like I had mentioned not a long time ago, was in love with him since last year. He would always make my knees turn into jelly.

"And absolutely no alcohol!", threatened my father. He didn't trust enough the school I went to. Thank God Grandpa Carlisle had assured them that the school was safe and the best.

"I promise!", quickly exclaimed I. If only I knew that I would break that promise later.

When the day of the party came, the bathroom of the Cullen Manor was turned into the biggest dressing room I had ever seen. My aunts had brought hundreds of clothes, placed neatly, mixed and matched with one another. I swore, my eyes had turned into pancakes from the view of so many clothes. Rompers, leggings, tunics...

My eyes caught the sight of my favourite autumn jacket. I thought it would look great with jeans and a tank top. Aunt Rosalie helped me straighten my hair to perfection and aunt Alice borrowed me some of her favourite accessories to compliment the freshly created outfit.

 Aunt Rosalie helped me straighten my hair to perfection and aunt Alice borrowed me some of her favourite accessories to compliment the freshly created outfit

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"Oh, Nessie! You look fantastic!", aunt Alice was beaming proudly. It was like I was seeing the girls at my school right in front of me. If aunt Rosalie could cry, tears would spill out of her face any minute. I definitely looked different. And I loved it. This school year, I wanted to show people that I was so much more than they thought I was. I was tired of feeling like a doormat. The shy and quiet Renesmee had to disappear.

"Renesmee, just be yourself! You are a wonderful person," my father had told me not once. But how? People had not accepted me well in the first schools I had gone to. All I wanted was to have friends. Being isolated as a child hadn't done me justice.

My aunts gave me tight hugs and let me go. Downstairs, Jacob and Charlie were sitting on the sofa with my dad. Poor Jake! My dad was lecturing him and Charlie was glaring at him. When was the hatred between the shapeshifter and the vampire going to stop?

Growing Up Small [RENESMEE CULLEN] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now