Chapter 14- It's A Warped Tour Best Friend

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Jenna's POV-

The entire Warped Tour has dedicated their set to Sarah. Or a song. Or a thought. Or a sentence. Every band on this tour has had something to do with everything going on.

Warped Tour told Sarah she can stay, and that this is a good motivation for fans.

I can tell that she likes that.

We decided to have a hang out since Warped Tour has got about a month left. We invited every band, and we had it at one of the venues. We just sat around, sang songs. Sarah couldn't sing but she was smiling. I liked seeing her happy. It was every band's idea, but The Summer Set and Tonight Alive got it together. We went to every merch tent and told every band about it.

It really is cool to see every band come together during this.

Sarah had gotten up to be alone and I went up to her. "Hi." I said. "Don't answer that."

She smiled and pointed to the sky. I looked up and saw a shooting star going across the sky.

"I wish that you would get better." I said. And I did wish she would get better.

Jess's POV-

 With everything going on, it's seriously caused a lot of problems with Jenna and I.

Like when we were watching TV. She saw an old picture of Caroline, and thought it was new. Caroline had posted it on instagram saying we were "together again." Which we aren't.

"Oh, so this is how you celebrate two months huh?" she asked.

"What?" I asked. I looked at her phone when she showed me.

"This! Apparently you're back together?"

"That isn't true and you know that." I said, not getting mad. "Just take a deep breath."

"Don't freaking tell me to take a deep breath!" she yelled, standing up. "Why do you like that girl anyway?"

"I broke up with her!" I said, standing up. "And I asked you to be my girlfriend!"

"Obviously it's not going to work out because I don't have the right story."

"I can prove it to you!" I said.

"Oh yeah like Caroline's really going to lie about you and her being in a relationship when you are."

"We aren't! Just because she posted that doesn't mean we are!"

"Stop lying to me! I can see it in your eyes in this picture!"

"That was before Warped Tour!" I yelled.

She sighed. "Even if you are telling me the truth, I can't do this. It's not working. I'm breaking up with you."

Sarah's POV-

Hearing Jenna and Jess fight was something I hoped would end up alright.

I heard Jenna walk out, slamming the bus door. I wanted to go find her but I couldn't talk so what was the use? The boys were out late at an award show tonight, and my doctor instructed me not to go.

I waited until I thought Jess would be asleep, since she was the only one there I thought she might as well stay and hopefully not leave me alone. Although if she did, it'd be easier to leave to find Jenna.

I opened the door and saw she was asleep. So I tiptoed out and closed the door behind me. I had left a note in case she woke up casue I didn't want her or the boys to worry.

I walked in the dark, a little scared considering I've always been scared of the dark. I walked to the Tonight Alive bus and I knocked on the door.

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