Chapter 10

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A/N: Don't look at me I'm nothing the real A/N is at the end.

It has been 3 months since Dipper and Pacifica announced they were expecting another baby. Everyone is happy for them, well almost everyone. Tyrone wasn't a 100% happy about the new baby coming, they made him give up his crib, but he was happy with his new toddler bed because the Toy Story characters are on it, and his mommy is always napping when he wants to play.

Right now Pacifica was trying to take a nap when Tyrone comes in banging a spoon on a pan singing loudly.

"I am so great," said Tyrone, "I am so great, everybody loves me, I am so great!"

"Honey, Honey can you be quiet mommy's not feeling to well?" Pacifica asked.

"Sorry mommy," said Tyrone while pouting.

Tyrone leaves the room with a sad look on his face. Just then Dragon jumps on top of him and licks Tyrone bringing a smile to his face.

"Wanna play Dragon?" Tyrone asked.

Dragon woofs in response.

"I'll take dat as a yes," said Tyrone.

Tyrone picks up a tennis ball.

"Fetch," said Tyrone.

Dragon fetches the ball and returns it to Tyrone.

"Get the ball Dragon," said Tyrone.

Tyrone throws the ball just as Dipper came through the door.

Dipper sees Tyrone and Dragon playing fetch.

"Good boy dragon," said Tyrone.

Dragon responds by licking Tyrone's face making him laugh.

"I see you're playing fetch with Dragon," said Dipper.

"Yeah mommy's taking a nap," said Tyrone.

"Yeah your new baby brother or sister likes to kick," said Dipper, "I have a feeling he or she will be soccer player when it grows up."

Dipper chuckled at his comment.

"Daddy can I watch TV?" Tyrone asked.

"Sure, what do you want to watch?" Dipper asked.

"Playhouse Disney," said Tyrone. (I know it's now called Disney junior but it will always be Playhouse Disney to me)

Dipper turns on the TV just as Winnie the Pooh was starting.

Tyrone grabs his blankie and sat down on his little Mickey Mouse bean bag chair.

"Daddy can I have someding to drink?" Tyrone asked.

"Sure Ty-Ty what do you want?" Dipper asked.

"Gwape juice pwease," said Tyrone.

Dipper went into the kitchen to pour some grape juice into Tyrone's favorite Spiderman Sippy Cup.

"Here's your milk little buddy," said Dipper.

"Spiderman," said Tyrone as he grabs the cup, "Danks daddy!"

"Anytime little guy, anytime," said Dipper.

Tyrone continues watching TV.

About 2 hours later Pacifica walks into the room and sits on the couch.

"Man why does this pregnancy feel heavier than with Tyrone?" Pacifica asked.

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked.

"I mean it feels like my stomach is growing faster, is it possible I could be having twins?" Pacifica asked.

"There's is that possibility," said Dipper, "Twins do run in both my mom's and my dad's families."

"Okay I know about your dad side because of your Grunkles but what about your mom's side?" Pacifica asked.

"My grandpa on my mom's side was a twin so," said Dipper.

"Oh okay I get it," said Pacifica.

"But I don't think we can handle twins, I mean Tyrone is still a bit of a handful," said Dipper, "Luckily he'll be out of diapers by kindergarten, unlike Mabel."

"Yeah still makes me laugh that she thought there was a monster in the toilet for 7 years," said Pacifica.

Just then Mabel walks through the door.

"I heard that," said Mabel.

Mabel leaves.

"Dat was weiwd," said Tyrone.

A/N: Alright that was a weird chapter, but I seen weirder. Alright see you next chapter.

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