Chapter 25

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A/N: Now this story can legally rent a car. Wow that pun was soooo bad. Alright before we begin this will be a Christmas Chapter because the idea of one kept slipping my mind. Alright lets get started with shall we.

It was December 24th, also known as Christmas eve, in Gravity Falls and the entire town was blanketed with snow. So much has happened since the beginning of the school year. Arianna officially turned 5, which means she started at kindergarten at age 4. (She must be a smart noodle) Mabel and Jackson adopted a pig for the family which they named Waddles Jr, while the original Waddles is still alive but might have at least 4-5 years of life left in him.

Right now Pacifica and Arianna were making peanut butter cup cookies, which is an everyday peanut butter cookie which miniature peanut butter cups, both milk and white chocolate, mixed into the dough.

Tyrone came down to snag a cookie only for Arianna to block him from grabbing one.

"You can't have one Tyrone," said Arianna.

"Why?" Tyrone asked.

"They're for Santa." said Arianna.

"Oh come on I don't think he'll mind if I had just one little cookie," said Tyrone.

Pacifica took a look at the 7 year old.

"I don't think Santa would mind," said Pacifica, "Plus not all 300 of these are for Santa Claus."

"Now you tell me?" Arianna asked. (That would be me)

Tyrone and Arianna each grab a cookie.

They eat it and run off.

It was starting to get late and Dipper called the children downstairs.

Tyrone and Arianna come running down stairs wearing their pjs. Tyrone was wearing his Wreck it Ralph pajama set while carrying his blankie, and Arianna was wearing a pair of Little Mermaid Foote pajamas while carrying her blankie.

"Okay kids it's Christmas eve and you know what that means," said Dipper.

"Frosty the Snowman," said the kids in unison.

"That's right little guys," said Dipper.

The kids sit down on the coach as Dipper started the movie and Pacifica comes in with a bowl of Popcorn.

At the end of the movie the children were asleep. Dipper and Pacifica picked them up and placed them in their respected beds and kissed them on the forehead.

The next morning, Arianna woke up with a smile on her face.

"Aaahhh IT'S CHRISTMAS!" yelled Arianna.

Arianna goes down the slide on her bed and wakes Tyrone up.

"Wake up sleepy head," said Arianna, "It's Christmas!"

Tyrone springs awake and gets out of bed.

"Last one to get to mom and dad is a poopy pants," said Tyrone.

Tyrone runs out the room.

"Jokes on you I'm already a poopy pants," said Arianna.

She runs out the room and beats Tyrone to their parents bedroom.

Both kids start jumping on their parent's bed only to see them no there.

"What the heck?" Tyrone asked.

Just then a 2 pairs of arms grab the kids.


The kids look up to see Dipper and Pacifica.

"You didn't think we'll be up early so you won't jump on us like you 2 did last year?" Dipper asked.

Tyrone and Arianna laughed as their mom and dad brought them downstairs to see the Christmas tree with presents underneath.

Tyrone got a new set of toy race cars and a track set to ride the toys on, a Baymax plushie (I have one of my own, not afraid to admit it), and few new Marvel movies on Bluray. (I have no problem with DC movies at all I just prefer Marvel movies better because DC movies are sometimes depressing or just horrible, I'm looking at you Green Lantern)

Arianna got some princess outfits, a baby doll, and some episodes of the Powerpuff Girls on DVD. (The old show not the new one, NEVER the new one)

For family gifts they got Zootopia on Bluray and a new Smart TV because the old one is on the fritz.

"Hold on I got a present for mommy," said Dipper.

He grabs a box for Pacifica and gives it to her.

"Oh Dipper you didn't have to get me anything," said Pacifica.

"Oh so you want me to take it back?" Dipper asked.

"No gimme," said Pacifica as she swipes the box from Dipper.

She opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Oh my god it's so beautiful," said Pacifica.

"Not as beautiful as you," said Dipper.

"Merry Christmas," said Pacifica.

Everyone gets in for a group hug.

A/N: I know making a Christmas chapter near May makes no sense but then again I'd post 3 different Halloween chapters for this story alone, so give me a break. BTW I haven't seen Zootopia yet so please don't spoil it for me. Oh before I leave I posted a new story called, "Blooming Romance." it's another Dipcifica story taking place right after weirdmagedon and Stan sacrificing his memories. I recommend you go check it out. If you got a suggestion for a future chapter leave in the comments. I'll see you next time.

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