Chapter 15

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A/N: Alright №15 lets ago.

It has been a month since Arianna was born, and unlike Tyrone, who was an easy baby, she does nonstop crying. The only time she isn't crying is if Dipper holds her in his arms, which means one thing, Arianna is a total Daddy's Girl.

Right now it was 2:30 in the morning when Arianna started crying again.

"I got this," said Dipper.

Dipper walks into Tyrone and Arianna's room to see a crying Arianna and a cranky Tyrone.

"Ty-Ty how about you go sleep with mommy," said Dipper.

Tyrone grabs his blankie and walks towards his parents room.

Tyrone jumps into the bed startling Pacifica a bit.

"Let me guess baby sister wont let you sleep?" Pacifica ask.

"Uh huh," said Tyrone.

Pacifica gave a hug to the little 2¾ year old.

"It's okay you can sleep with mommy," said Pacifica.

Tyrone yawns and falls back asleep.

Pacifica wrapped the blankie around Tyrone and kissed him on the forehead.

Meanwhile with Dipper.

Dipper walks towards the crib to see his crying daughter.

"It's okay baby girl daddy's got yah," said Dipper.

Dipper picks up Arianna and she stops crying.

"How am I not surprised?" Dipper asked metaphorically.

Dipper looks down at her and she starts smiling which makes Dipper smile.

Dipper runs his fingers through Arianna's hair and notices something on her forehead.

She has a birthmark in the shape of the little dipper on her forehead.

"Well looks like I found out why you like daddy so much," said Dipper, "You have the little dipper on your forehead. Looks like I'm not the only one with a weird birthmark anymore."

Arianna blinks in confusion at what her daddy just said.

Dipper, with Arianna in her arms, sits down on the rocking chair to help her fall asleep.

After about 5 minutes in the rocking chair Arianna falls asleep and so does Dipper.

A/N: I know this was a short chapter, but it was one of those short and sweet chapters. I would make a longer chapter, but my allergies are messing with me, I've been having a headache for a week straight, I seriously hate allergies season. Alright I'll see ya next time.

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