Lifeguard [jyushimatsu]

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Today was sunny. It wasn't just regular sunny, it was TOO sunny. So you decided to go swimming with your friends. You invited your bestfriend and four classmates of yours, they agreed of course! So off to the swimming pool you go!

- t i m e s k i p -

When you all got there with your car, you all ran to the pool to dive in. Thing is, you were never taught how to swim. Your parents always kept you inside, away from much physical activity and keeping you inside to study more. The studying paid off, but now you're on a day off and it's summer, even the AC itself needed a rest. Once your friends insisted that you soak in the water, you entered the cold but relaxing water. You only stood in the corner of the pool, avoiding swimmers and swimming too far.

You got tired tip-toeing to walk from the other side of the pool to the other, so you sat on one of the platforms that surrounded the pool. You were cautious because once you fall in, you wouldn't be able to swim because the part in front of you was an inch taller that you are.

Thinking that kids wouldn't go running around there, you were wrong. Instead, the kids accidentally pushed you while they were running around the pool. And you couldn't swim.

Your arm was raised, asking for help but there were less people around the area you were in.

You were running out of breath and thanks to the kids, maybe no one would save you, and you'd die.

Great. Just great.

»3rd pov

Osomatsu and his five brothers finally entered the pool, Jyushimatsu came running to the deeper parts of the pool because he liked it there more. Osomatsu and the others followed him.

While they were setting up the pool chair, Osomatsu saw a person's hand out of the water, he immediately thought that they were calling for help.

"Jyushimatsu! Jyushimatsu!" Osomatsu called, his tone panicked and Jyushimatsu turned to him.

"Ha?" Jyushimatu replied. Osomatsu pointed at the hand and Jyushimatsu turned again. He immediately dove into the pool and swam to the person.

Once he got out of the water, they saw that the person was a girl, she drowned and now has ran out of breath. Jyushimatsu did CPR on her and she coughed up the water that she had inhaled.

your pov«

It's a miracle! Your eyes were finally opening, it was a bit hard since the sun was at your direction. But it was being blocked by shadows, and once you opened your eyes, you saw a group of guys and you- WAIT. THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME FACE. You looked up a bit and saw your friends, worried as ever.

You sat up and felt that someone was helping you sit up, as you looked to your right, you saw a man with his mouth open. "Are you okay?" He asks, and you nodded. You faced front and coughed.

"Jeez, (y/n)! You had us worried there!" One of your classmates said, "If you didn't know how to swim then why'd you invite us here? We could've just gone to an ice cream parlor! You're lucky the Matsuno brothers saw you and helped you." She continued. "Sorry." You replied, someone else patted your head. "It's okay, just don't go far away from us okay?" You bestfriend still had that worried tone in her voice and you just nodded. "Well, we're gonna go get food, wanna come?" One of your classmates asks, "I'll follow." You replied "You guys wanna come?" Your bestfriend asks the other brothers of the one who saved you from drowning. They nod in agreement and he just sat there beside you.

"Hey, what's your name?" You ask him, his mouth was still open wide and then he stood up. "I'M JYUSHIMATSU MATSUNO! I LIKE BASEBALL! MUSCLE, MUSCLE! HUSTLE, HUSTLE!" He introduced himself, he made you laugh though.

You two then followed, you and your friends and the brothers ate at a fast food near the pool, all of you had a great time, really.


I really need ideas for all of them, if you have ideas that you think I can make, please message me or comment it below! :o)

Next is Todomatsu ♡

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