Mixers [todomatsu]

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photo source: http://blacklimes.tumblr.com/post/135047176887/why-no-one-like-todomatsu


You were invited to a mixer by your best friend, since you didn't have anything to do, you came so you wouldn't be bored. But she had to choose your clothes, more skin she says.

And there you were. Wearing a black long sleeved semi-transparent blouse , a pink skirt, a white belt with gold studs, and black heels. While your best friend had more skin exposed, you were happy as long as she was. The both of you entered the karaoke and saw that the other two girls and four boys already started without the two of you, because you two came a bit late.

She sat down but soon joined the karaoke, you sat down beside the bowl-haired guy, to you, he stood out.

He had that adorable facade, reading people is too easy. Right now, the three girls are singing and he knows he isn't good at that. So he's just sitting there.

"Hi, I'm Todomatsu. Call me Totty." He greeted, handing his hand out and you shook it. "(y/n). Why aren't you joining them?" You let go and put your purse on your lap. "I'm not very good at singing.. hehe.." Nervous laughs always makes you smile, you poured yourself a drink. "Same. Been talking to anyone here yet?" He nodded, pointing to the girl wearing a jade dress. Todomatsu took his phone out, someone's calling.

"Excuse me, (y/n)." He stood up and went out.

You could hear him shouting from the outside, you decided to take a peek.

"You okay there?" Todomatsu sighed as he hung up from the caller, he nodded and smiled.

The both of you entered and sat down at your previous seats. "Did you hear me shouting outside?" He asked and you nodded.

You drank your drink and Totty was just staring at you. "Do I have something on my face or something?" He shook his head. "Hey you two!" Your best friend called, she was already drunk. "Whats up?" You asked, pouring another drink for yourself, she snorted as the other guy made a joke. "I'm great!! I'm happy you joined, (nickname)! So," she hiccuped. "howz you and pink over there?" She pointed to Todomatsu, he was just on his phone, editing his new selfie. "We're cool." She had that "face", she'd always have that face when you hang out with guys, wriggling her eyebrows now. You laughed and Todomatsu was staring again. "So," you began. "Tell me about yourself." He nodded and began telling you about him.

After he finished, the two guys were done and they sat down with the two of you. "What's your name, sweetie?" Some guy asked, you asked his name and about him though, "I'll tell you my name once you finish." He agreed to your conditions and after he did those, you read him then.

Fuccboi. Thats what.

Todomatsu didn't bother the two of you but he annoyed you a lot. So you started ignoring the guy and started talking to Totty. Totty seemed to enjoy your company and ignoring the other guy just to talk to him.

"Hey Totty."

"Yea, (y/n)?"

"You uh.. wanna go outside? It's kinda boring here, so I'm leaving."

Todomatsu seemed hesitant but he agreed. You went to your best friend to tell her that you're leaving and she was okay with that, since the two of you would just go to the nearby convenience store.

"Let's go?" Totty asked, you took one last drink from your cup and left with Todomatsu.



The two of you went outside as started finding that nearby store that you saw. "Hey Totty." His reply was to look at you. "You said you were from Keio, right?" He nodded and you smiled at him. "I'm from Keio, and I've never seen you there. You sure youre from Keio?" He started sweating and he sighed. "I-I'm not from Keio.." He looked away and you put your hand on his shoulder. "So am I." You grinned at him and he smiled at you.

In the end you found the store and he got drunk there instead if getting drunk at the mixer,


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