Mackerel Charm { 7MIH }

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And it was..

A Mackerel charm!

"T-Totoko-chan.." You called the drunk brunette. "I don't think it's a good idea.." Asami said as she returned Todomatsu's hat. "pppFFTTT, what?! you tHink I- tHe the- GreAt, yes!! Amazing Toto-*burp*-ko cAn't handlE iT??" Totoko slurred as she made her way from the love seat to you, she then just slapped her arm over your shoulder making you squeal. "AHAHA, (y/n)~ your squeals are fucking adOOOOOORRAABBUH!" She said as she pulled you into the closet with her. Once you two were locked in, Totoko pinned you to the ground and started kissing your neck. "To-Totoko?!" You asked, trying to get away from her grip, but her grip was sTrONG. ( equius strong? not yet ) "Nyaa-chan~" She whispered ( sorry for the people who don't like NyaaToko. ) "I-I'm not Nyaa-chan.." You replied, her face seemed shocked then she let you go. "You know, I'll never find love.." Totoko plopped herself down on her Nyaa-chan shirt.

Totoko started crying, you comforted her and told her the positive things about her.

"You should eat breath mints before a date though.. Here."

You handed her the breathmint Asami gave you, she gave one to everyone. "T-thankies." Totoko replied, still drunk. She opened it and plopped it in her mouth . Once it was in half, (she was probably biting it) Totoko felt a bit better. "Oi, (y/n), come here." You scooted to her. "Closer." She commanded, so you scooted a bit more. "Nope, closer, (nickname)." She said, again, you scooted. Her knees and yours were now in contact, you don't know why she asked you to come so close, a secret? Maybe she was gonna tell you who she like-

Nope, she kissed you. On the lips, she didn't taste anything like fish though. She tasted like mint. Fuck, she decides to deepen the kiss and then she removed your maroon top.

Totoko moved a bit closer, then put her hands on your breasts. She smiled and softly mumbles your name.

"Totoko-chan~ (y/n)-chan~ , 7 minutes is -" Osomatsu opens the door and reveals a topless ( still with a bra ) (y/n), with Totoko's hands on it. The two heavily making out, Osomatsu and the others were speechless and then Todomatsu took a picture.



They all said, even Asami.

"(y/n)-chan has a better chance of having s** with Totoko-chan than we do!!" Osomatsu cried, he fell on the floor and started punching it. "Good job, (y/n)-chan." Karamatsu exclaims, but deep inside he is deeply hurt.

Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu on the other side seem to love it. Ichimatsu was blushing and smiling.

Jyushimatsu has a boner.

Totoko took your shirt and started dressing you, she kissed you on the lips again and said. "Wanna continue it, (nickname)?" She winked and you hesitated but agreed.

She dragged you to her room and abracadabra, was she wild!


You two played some Monopoly btw.

- - - -

Wo a h

Okay. I think the hacking thing isn't real?? But eh, I'll still update before July 13. When it is July 13, I won't be updating.

( happy birthday to the guy i like,,)
( his bday is still in a week or two tho)

Okay so have this


Thanks for reading as always u3u

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