Dreams about the bad boy

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Ally's P.O.V

His lips tasted like heaven! I just wanted to make them mine forever. His skin was so soft and he was perfect. We kept kissing and kissing and then his hands found their way under my shirt and to my bra lock and he unlocked it. And then I moaned out his name as he kissed my sweet spot. 'Oh Marc'........WAIT WHAT???

I woke up feeling ashamed of my self. What, why, how was I dreaming about him?? He is a selfless jerk. Well he wasn't one, but when Fred, Danny and Ashton arrived in town he made friends with them and didn't want to hang out with me again because he said I will ruin his reputation. Ye right!! I am not a nerd or a geek for god's sake!!! 

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stripped down my clothes and took a quick warm shower and I when I was dried up I took my yellow T-shirt and my dark blue denim jeans and my favourite shoes and my matching underwear and got dressed up. When I was ready I grabbed my back pack and made my way down to the kitchen. I found Mary, the house keeper. She has working here for about 3 years since my mother is always abroad on work. She cleans and cooks and practically does everything a mother does except loving me. She doesn't really like me so sometimes I end up giving her some days off because she always creeps the shit out of me with the crazy looks she gives me. I didn't fire her because she makes the best food ever. Today she cooked me waffles. mmmmmm my favourite :'D I ate up and made my way to the door. 

'Thanks for the waffles Mary' I shouted

'Yeah Yeah' She said and then I left the house. I always walked to the school since I didn't have my driving licence because where I live you need to be 18 years old to drive. I barely had any friends because of my dad, who committed suicide after losing his job and almost losing mom because she was going to leave him. I was devastated when he died, but life goes on. 

I made my way to school and when I arrived I saw the 'Bad Boy Group' and puked a little in my mouth. I can't believed that I dreamed about that man- whore last night. I made my way past them and Ashton popped out his leg and I tripped and fell down to my face. 

'Watch out were you're going bitch!'Ashton insulted me

'I'm sorry' I apologized. As you can see I am a really nice person and don't have the courage to fight back with anyone and so I take everything as it is and deal with it. I walked away from them after I picked up all of my papers and especially my diary. It involved all of my secrets and if it got out to the wrong hands, my life would be ruined forever.

'What a dork that girl is!' Lariisa said after I left. I took a peek at them and noticed larissa and all the guys laughing. But the only one who was not laughing but looked worried was Marc. How come he didn't laugh? 

The day passed by as boring like always and as the last bell rang I made my way home. I was eleaved that the day was about to end because it was a difficult day today. I was about to go and take a shower and was rapped up in a towel when I hear a knock on my window. It was Marc.

'What do you want Marc?' I asked him as I opened the window

'Oh it's that I found this torn page on the ground and read it to see whom it was and I found out it was yours' he explained

'Well thanks' I said as I snapped the paper away from him. I noticed it was the page that I torn and wanted to throw away from my diary. It was a page full of my feeling which I felt towards Marc to yeas ago, and some feelings are still there. Marc just stood there looking at me and I was getting annoyed.

'Will you read that to me out loud?' he asked

'No way!' I snapped at him.

"please come one, for old times sake!' he said gently

'OK whatever!!' I said and with that I started reading.


MArc's P.O.V

'Dear diary, today me and Marc went to the park together and we had such an amazing time. We have been friends for two yeas now and I have loved and adored every moment with him . I am so lucky to have him in my life. Whenever he is not around I feel lost without him and feel like it's the end of the world. Every night we sleep in the same bed together and we cuddle together. Our parents don't know and if they found out I will be devastated!! Dear diary, I think I like Marc. His smile, his eyes they're perfect. I don't think I only like him...I think I am falling in love with him. I am scared to tell him because it will ruin the relationship that we have and I don't want that. I just really feel safe when I am with him.. I can't explain it.' She read out loud really passionately

I can't believe that Ally has or well had these feelings for me. She should have told me. I thought I was crazy when I thought about making a move and kissing her, but I was wrong.

'Umm, I read it out loud..so now what?' Ally asked me

'Now I go clubbing!' I said. She looked at me and gave me a look. I made my way to the window and then said 'Goodnight'

'Goodnight Marc'she said. And with that  I was about to close the window when I decided to say:

'Ally. I broke up with Larissa' and then I went into my room and went to sleep


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