☽ Chapter Two - Follow Me Home ☾

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~A/N: Quick update thanks to attack_on_ghouls ' harassing😉~

After our awkward encounter I began to step away from the crossdressing teen, until he used his right arm to prevent me from leaving. If I wanted to I could easily pass his weak frame but part of me wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Please. Stay with me for the rest of the night?" He asks me. I thought this was a kind gesture until he followed up the request with,
"All my friends have left me."

I deny his offer and push past his arm, leaving to find Erwin. Not long after I give up and decide I'm going to head home. Again I manage to catch the striking green of his eyes, as I edge toward the door. Part of me wonders as it only just comes to me, are they just contact lenses? That's not very unusual for a Halloween party either.

To me, it seems his friends are back. A pulse of jealousy runs through me, though I can't make out why... I don't even know the boy...

Casually hidden behind a few other people I observe the others around him. A girl with black shoulder length hair who looks moodier than me and wears a blood stained nurse outfit. Blonde haired I'm guessing boy is dressed as a corpse groom, although he lacks a bride. His eyes are an enchanting sky or duck egg blue, drawing me in much like Erens. Arguing with Eren is someone in a horse mask... while a zombie is pulling him back away from him. There are some others gathered but I can't see them from my hidden position.

Maybe Halloween parties really aren't the best of places for first impressions.

I'm sure I could see the dark haired girl's eyes lure over my body so my head snaps to the side and I sidestep into another group, disappearing. Or so I thought I had.

Grabbed by the arm and wrenched back vigorously I turn to find my eyes in perfect height to meet with some tanned and well defined collar bones. I slowly raise my head taking in all I see. Mainly on my mind are the plump salmon lips now curling into a warming smile right before me.

It's Eren, of course. He drags me to his friends and I lean back on his arm with my heels firmly planted in the middle of the hallway. Clearly, not firmly enough.

"No! No! No! I think absolutely not! I'm going home. Unhand me you bratty filthy maid whore!" I spit as he takes me closer, and closer, to the group.

He releases my arm and everyone examines me. Turning to each of the group in turn he says their names.

Nurse outfit, Mikasa.
Loner Groom, Armin.
Horse, Jean.
Zombie clutching to horse, Marco.

Then there's the ones I first didn't see:
Wolf, Connie. I don't know what he looks like because of the mask but he's quite short - although I'm not one to judge on height.
Cat, Sasha. She's thick-bodied and she's stuffing canapés down her throat so I guess she's a foodie. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail and from what I can see in the dimmed lighting it has an auburn hint to its dark brown shade.

There's some more standing around but I don't really listen. I'm getting so thoroughly distracted by the smell in here I can't take it. My eyes are itchy already, and red, too (so I presume). I cover my face with my hand, excusing myself from the group.

A few concerned comments follow and I make a witty remark about being allergic to cats. Sasha looks frightened - from what I can see from my blurred vision - and then a sense of relief washes over her when she realises that she isn't actually a cat. How dumb. Wolf boy laughs at her and wraps his arm around her waist, bringing her close to him. Horse-face lets out a wolf-whistle that echoes from each wall, I hear it behind me, catching up with me as I move.

Finally, when I make it outside I rush home. Obviously unlike humans, vampires can move at much quicker speeds which helps a lot. I don't look behind me.

I enter the manor and grab a pouch from a false-bottomed draw in the hallway. I light a candle and carry it with me upstairs. Although I know which of the steps creak I step on them. The third, seventh and fourteenth.

Full electrics are installed in our ancient home but I prefer, unlike Erwin, to use more traditional ways to go about the day. As I enter my bedroom I feel warm at the sight of being home. My four poster oak bed awaits me. With red and golden lined silk sheets. Now, I almost wish I didn't go to the party.

Sticking a straw into the pouch I approach my mirror in the corner of my room. Yes, vampires can look in mirrors. I place myself on the floor in front of it examining my eyes. Taking a sip from the pouch I watch my eyes get redder only for a moment before returning to complete normal. I smile toothily at myself, in pure pleasure of eating after so long.

I rise from the mirror and run my hand against my velvet black curtains, just about to draw them. Until I am stunned by a knock at the door. Whoever it is didn't even use the door knocker, what a pain in the ass. Just go ahead and knock right onto the newly painted and glossed door!

Stomping sulkily downstairs I realise that my blood pouch is still in my hand, I quickly finish it and rush over to the door. I open it up and just as I'm about to swallow the last of the blood I have in my mouth I find myself choking uncontrollably.

"Your eyes are already okay!?" The visitor suddenly asks, stepping into the doorway uninvited. Looking around with a slack jaw, speechless I say to my guest "Here to clean?"

Eren laughs, "Oh no, the outfit's part of the package... But hey! How do you run so fast? And what happened with you eyes? Wait what's what's that on your shirt?" Too many questions.

Looking down at myself in panic, eyes wide. The curious maid answers his own question, "Fake blood! Damn Halloween, any other day of the year and I really would think you're a vampire" I had spluttered blood over my hand and it had fallen to my chest while coughing. How dirty.

I walk toward the kitchen and grab a black shirt from the dryer. Taking off my Dracula cape in the most Dracula way possible I then stop in my tracks. Eren followed me in and is now leaning against my doorframe, watching me undress. Maybe that's a bad idea.

A/N: Not much to say following this sorry it's boring for the first few chapters getting into the story...
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~ ^.^ ~

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