☽ Chapter Six - New Students? ☾

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A/N: For those of you who don't watch TVD, mind ability of immortals, originals, hybrids, vampires, and occasionally witches to control the mind of another simply through eye contact and erase the victim's memories or even alter them to the point where something is completely different about them (like to obey orders or a personality difference). Witches and Werewolves cannot be compelled.

Compulsion doesn't work on other vampires - well it can but that doesn't matter now - or someone protected by vervain (a plant that causes harm and weakness to vampires).

!! also, pls read my note at the end as it'll help many of you out so i kinda need to knowwww...

Levi's POV

9 o'clock. That's when I woke this morning, maybe a little later. November first. Another month has been thrown from my immortal life. What a drag.

Sitting up in bed instantly made my body ache and scream, especially my head. Presumably either because of the bimbo who unexpectedly took me down last night, or because of my sudden outburst to drink blood after so long without it.

I grabbed a cigarette from a box in a nightstand draw. Taking a deep and hard earned drag from stick, I glanced at my phone next to me. Surprisingly, after viewing my lock screen, I found that I had 3 text messages and a single missed call.

Eren (the maid from last night) was the one to call me, yet he left no voicemail message.

A text message from Petra:

Erwin and I are going into town, Levi. I know we didn't mention it last night but I have a determination to fit in this time. Things have changed. I thought this was best left without discussion.

What a pain. Now they're going to expect me to be jolly and act human and "normal". Newsflash: I'm not.

And the final two messages also from Eren:

Will I see you at school today? What class are you in? Read the first.

The second, I know it sucks having school straight after the Halloween party but you really shouldn't be bunking, Levi... At least respond to me?

He thinks I'm still in school? Of course he does...


I arrived at the school and instantly headed to the reception. One lone worker sat behind her desk with her hair tied in a low knot. She didn't notice my entry at all. With a small clearing of my throat, her head popped up from the computer in front of her and the blonde adjusted her glasses before asking me how she could help out.

"Hi, uhm well how about we go with this," I started, intending to compel her into handing on a story of my sudden presence in the school. I checked her name plate out of habit and continued to address her.
"Okay, Angelina. So, I handed in all the required files two weeks back but you're a really useless receptionist and all so you lost them, how sad." I pouted slightly and considered what else do tell her.
"Regardless, I'm here now and you're to pass this message to anyone who asks of my sudden arrival, okay?"
"Oh, don't forget to add me to the registration lists. Put me in the same class as the Eren boy, too..."


When I finally entered the class, which was well underway, I shut the door and made my way through the desks looking for a spare one. I honestly thought I was going to sneak in, if it wasn't for a student in the first row alerting the teacher of an unknown peer entering the room.
"Excuse me, could you come join me up at the front of the class?"
With no response, I did as he requested me.
Looking him dead in the eye, I suggested to him (through compulsion) "I don't think my introduction is necessary, is it?"

The class seemed strangely tense at what I'd said, I didn't think anything was wrong with it at all. So, following the teachers' curt nod, finalising his answer; I turned to the class, spotted Eren instantly and stated only my forename while studying my "peers".

It felt like the whole room let out a withheld sigh as I took a spare seat at the back that may well hold ownership to another student. If it did, I never found out. Nobody decided to argue against my decision. Fantastic.

Classes were boring, although a lot of the curriculum had changed from my knowledge of certain areas. Math was now burdened with more of the alphabet than numbers, which proved interesting. History was now overlooking events I even lived through so at least I could pass one subject without needing to use my compulsion on a teacher; after all, I can't expect to come to school only to draw attention to myself with bad grades.

Today passed quickly, which would've normally been a relief having been surrounded by so many humans. Yet I couldn't help but want someone to talk to me. Be it at break or in class transmissions. It seems I had scared everyone away instantly with my incident concerning the first teacher I met.

Or that is what I thought, until lunchtime finally came. I didn't feel up to spending the fourty-five minute lunch break surrounded by hoards of bratty, snobby kids so I grabbed myself a pass to leave the school grounds and sat on an exceptionally cold bench in the town park. I had already lodged my earphones firmly into place and started to play some relaxing piano melodies. My scarf was wrapped over the wires, tightly around my face. My hot breath warming the fabric covering my mouth.

With that, just as I had settled, someone tugged at the wire of my earphone from behind me and whispered, "Not enjoying the school hangover, then? You hungry?"

So there you have an extremely delayed and again, tedious chapter update! DANG WHO IS WID LEVIIIIII?

I'd like to know if you would like me to basically compose a list of the supernatural powers/beings and things that will be included in this story (like the mind compulsion explanation at the beginning of this chap?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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