☽ Chapter Five - Number ☾

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I LEFT YOU ON THE CLIFFHANGER OF WHAT SCARED POOR ERWIN, AND HERE IT IS MY DARLINGS (at the end, sorry for slow update as always and a sucky update at that)

--some foul language--

Levi's POV

I'm not sure what my aims were from leaving Hyacinth Manor, but there I was roaming the town at the dead of night, on Halloween. Rampaging while the Mayor visits didn't seem to be the best idea. As a result, leaving was truly my only option. Before I left I traded my blooded shirt to a regular tee and exchanged my black pants for some jeans. I also grabbed a jacket on my way out. Although, it's not really that cold for an October night.

Mystic Falls (A/N: Lazy, I know. I couldn't find a good name so I'm just using Mystic Falls from The Vampire Diaries... Plus then I can use The Grill too and other major parts of town) is a surprisingly decent town to live in. Especially for anything supernatural. Strolling past the properties of people I don't know - for I have been long separated from human activity - I found passed out teens at the sidewalk amongst other adolescents trying to get into their homes and struggling awfully until someone came to their aid from inside the building. Kicking at a stone as I walked, bored with nothing to do, I examined each person laying passed out at my feet...

First: a blonde haired whore wearing a white mini skirt that made her red thong vividly visible. She paired the skirt with what seemed more of a bra as opposed to a bralette. Laying on the floor, sprawled out. Her body was totally still. I approached her close enough to hear her pulse. Her blood was rushing at a quickened rate I suspected drug abuse - possibly ecstasy. Reaching the girl I lifted her body and lay her against my knee. As suspected, after placing my hand to her head, her body temperature was also abnormally increased. After a while of accompanying her and feeding some of my blood to help her get over the drugs, the bad effects seemed to be outcast by more 'desirable' ones. Clearly, she was euphoric; leaping at me, my lethargic reaction clearly wasn't good enough to stop her knocking me into the pavement, causing nothing but an instant headache.

Second, three drunk males failing miserably at trying to get two passed out girlfriends into their ride. Carefully, I helped each of the women into the car. Surprisingly the guys were thankful; I had expected nothing but threats if I were to touch their property. A stereotype I managed to conjure too early into meeting the boys.

Third, a bleeding boy only of a young age. It seems he tried to sneak into the party uninvited. Shame. I didn't help him because I knew I would be able to control myself. Plus, I was fed up of playing doctor.

That was until I saw a large group of jocks that included the three boys I helped with their girlfriends (sounds like I was right about the stereotype after all) crowded, sneering at the ground. In all honesty, I was, at first, considering just sneaking away. But the cries of help drew me nearer. A boy lay at their feet, clutching his chest and screaming.

White lace.

The sight makes me stride straight through the pack of immature teens and stand before the victim.
"Clear off, brats," When nobody moved, I spoke again, this time using my compulsion to get them to move. At that, they all departed.

"Come here," I said to the boy, attempting to coax him into standing. His brunette locks fluttered with the light breeze that played over my skin and the trees surrounding us. In that moment, the noise of everyone around me seemed to stop as his green orbs met with my eyes. On his knees, leaning harshly into his palms, blood trickling from his nose as well as his chin. But it's not the blood that matters.

It's the look of despair that flickers in his eyes.

At that moment I decided something I never thought I'd choose again...

Eventually, with Eren across my back in a fireman's carry, I asked him to direct me to his home. It seemed his intoxication was worn down by the reality is getting hit so brutally so finding our way there didn't prove too hard. Being the gentleman I am, I had already given the teen my jacket too keep off the chill during our journey through town. As well as this, I'd ripped the bottom half of my t-shirt for him in order to mop up his bloody face.

After what seemed a very short time we ended up at Eren's porch ("There it is. In all its glory. Marvellous, isn't it?" He had exclaimed sarcastically). Whilst allowing him to recover on hard ground for a moment, I asked Eren if I could borrow his mobile. It wasn't long until Eren was hastily shoving it back into his pocket on the laced skirt.

Taking a step towards the blessing before me, and admiring the outfit in its entirety, I couldn't help but spill my thoughts. "You sure look-"
"What happened to you?" I was cut off by courses of Eren's friends fussing over him and saw it as my cue to leave. But not before shouting: "Don't forget to text me, my dear parlourmaid!"

Retreating home after dropping Eren back, I couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy of that girl, Mikasa accompanying him as well as the blonde kid, Armin. Now I feel like a fool for giving him my number to check up on him in the morning. Also, I feel weak for my reaction to Eren's presence earlier in the night. He was so dominating in the kitchen. Yet he allowed himself to get beat up.

I can't get my head around him. I can already tell and I decided then, that Eren is someone worth protecting. I'm willing to commit myself to that even now, not long after meeting him when I know nothing about him, understand nothing and recall nothing of any ancestors sharing his name. This could be a potential risk.

My thoughts were too heavy as I realise, I've already reached my front door, despite walking at a regular pace. A text tone rings from my cell and taking the device from my pocket I see a text from an unsaved number; presumably Eren's.

Made it into bed! I'm safe and sound thanks to you, Levi. Sorry to have bothered you...

I didn't reply to the text, I only saved the number to my contacts. Clutching the door handle, I make my way in to enter my home.

Aiming my path of entrance straight through to the kitchen whilst paying no particular attention to the situation in the rest of the house, I was startled to hear Erwin conversing with someone so late into the night. It couldn't possibly be the Mayor still. I didn't want to disturb him either, so I made to walk away. Until, all of a sudden, the archway leading to the living room was occupied.

"Petra..." I whispered to myself.

If you read the bio/description to this story you know who Petra is...
So, why are they so shocked?!
How on earth did I make Halloween last 5 chapters??

I'm truly sorry for my inactivity with all my stories but I will - hopefully - be uploading more now that I've left school (this is most likely total bs because I've already been off for like 4 weeks and I'm only now updating). Obviously, the more reads/votes/comments the story gets the more committed I'd be to it.

FINALLY, my dearest apologies for not editing or checking back over this chapter so this may have not made sense or be misspelt throughout!

Until next time, Amigos!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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