Part 6

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I peeked around the corner and looked at the guys. They both had bandanas around their faces and there had a whole arm of tattoos. Who are they, they look like a bunch of bandits.

One of them went over to the counter and looked behind it. I stood still and held my breath so that way they don't hear my heavy breathing. He walked away and went over to a safe.

"We should go, Its not safe out here." Said the guy with the blue bandana. The guy with the ripped shirt looked at him and rolled his eyes. "We have to, the boss said we have to find more." He said. My foot slid and hit a piece of glass on the floor.

The guys turned around and looked in the door. "Shit, now what."I said to myself. I looked around the corner to see what they had in their hands. One pistol, and one small rifle. I can't take them both, not now I don't have the weaponry.

They both stopped and were pointing close to my shoulder. "Come out, we won't hurt you." he said. I took a deep breath and walked around the corner. They both looked at me and grinned. My stomach turned as one of them stepped towards me. I stepped back and pulled out the machete.

"I'm armed, step back and no one will get hurt." I said swinging it. The one behind him chuckled and looked me up and down. "Lets just shoot her and go, boss wouldn't want someone so." He paused and looked at me again. "Disobedient." He whispered so I could hear him.

I stepped back farther and my back was up against the wall. "Come on, we'll take care of you." He said. I took a deep breath and looked deeply into his eyes. "No, I'm fine, now move." I said. They both looked at each other and mouthed some words. "We can't do that, just come with us." He said. I can see that he's getting irretated.

His teammate grabbed the gun and pointed it at me. "I'll shoot her." He said. I breathed and grabbed the gun out of his hand. His other friend tried to grab him but failed. I ran to the counter across from me and hid behind him.

He began to shoot and missed my arm by an inch. I looked at the door and saw one of those things at the door. Then another one, then another one. I peeked around the counter and shot his arm. He screamed and fell on the floor.

The things looked at him and snarled loudly. They began to shuffle towards him and grab him. His friend looked but ran to the door. I ran to the room and closed it tightly. All I can hear was screaming and gargling. Whatever they are doing he's for sure dead.

I covered my ears and began to sob, I just want this to be over
I woke up and looked around in the room. Dried tears caked up on my face from all the crying. I got up and looked under the door. Nothing was moving, the ghost is clear. I looked beside me and saw the gun and machete I took.

I got up and opened the door and grabbed my backpack. Then I put the gun in the sma compartment and the machete in the backpack pocket. I walked out and looked on the floor. The mans rotting body sat there lifeless, not a movement. Surprised he hasn't turned yet.

I stepped out of the gun shop and started walking back to my house. At least I feel safe there, out there I feel vulnerable. In the corner of my eye one of those things were squished under a car wheel. I kept walking and opened the door into my house.

Those guys back there was talking about a boss. This guy might be taking in survivors. But, its like the survivors became servants. I wish Mary Kate and Delia and Hunter and J.J were here.

Mary Kate reminds me so much of my cousin in California. She's small and had her personality, and looks. She's a smart girl, I know Hunter is being protected. But Delia, she's out there, somewhere hiding. I have to find them, the more predators there are the more dangerous it gets.

I sir back and remember the day this all happened. All hell broke loose, I lost my friends, and life. But, I lost my freedom. My arms feel like they are being chained and dragged down. It hurts a lot to know my friends are out there.

Somewhere, far or close. I pull up my covers and gaze at the ceiling. My eyes begin to flutter shut and I start to dream or have a nightmare. But the thing is, I'm already in one

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