Day two n also introducing characters

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Harry: is a shy geek, he is 15, has a crush on Zayn, the popular bad boy. He had problems with family only started to cut. Father passed away, believed to be suicide.

Zayn: the bad boy, he is 17, has a crush on Harry but is not admitting it to himself, his mother had passed away, believed to be a murder, police are still investigating which is why he is also acting like a douche lol

Liam: Zayn's best mate and partner in crime lol, he is addicted to drugs n sells them too, he is 17

Louis: Harry's distant best friend, he is 16, he is only using Eleanor because he also has a crush on Harry but plays everything cool which is also the reason he wants him to tag along in every date because he just feels it doesn't feel right with Eleanor lol he's scared to come out.

Niall: comes later on, he is a binge eater, gets heavier but never fatter lol, Harry's classmate but becomes his bestest friend later on... He is 15 and is bisexual and also has a little crush on Harry, he admits it later...

Eleanor: well she's 16 and is not as loyal as she flirts with guys once they hit on her but Louis plays it cool because he likes Harry.

Harry's mum: does not care much about Harry, is never depressed, always uses her husband's money, a suspect too because of his suicide, maybe she murdered him... Who knows... We'll find out... Lol

Zayn's dad: had custody of Zayn when he was 11, a suspect of Zayn's mothers death maybe... Is also an alcoholic doesn't give a flying fuck about Zayn either or his sisters...

New characters will be introduced if there will be any...

Day two
Harry's POV:
Urgh! Another early morning, can't sleep! Shit!
I just accidentally scratched my arm on the door handle, it feels wet?! Was it that deep? Naaaah just a little blood but it feels good! I need a shave!
Since I have two razor blades I take one out of the razor and hide it under my pillow. I start to sorta shave, but there's no stubble today?! Oh well, let's experiment on the blade...

Zayn's POV:
I just can't put my head around it...
I love Harry, I really do! It must be the things I did to him, but I said I regretted it. Does he not like me?!
I will see him in home room meanwhile, I will just take a quick spliff . I smoke the spliff getting such great euphoria, damn what did Liam put into that spliff. Who cares?! I get the good shit for FREE! Because he is obviously my best mate and yeah haha.
Let's prank Harry lol had to get his number off of Louis and had to lie to him for it saying we were working on a project haha...

To Harry;
Hey sexy!

It's all anonymous so he won't know my number but it's the only way I can get his harmless attention from, I seriously don't want to beat him up again.

After five more drags I was completely off it... I'm gonna seriously kill Liam God! But it's kinda good lol

Time to go to school and meet my crush...

Louis POV:
"Yeah, okay Ellie baby, we'll talk in school bye love ya!" I say. After hanging up the phone I finally did a victory dance! Finally off the phone, she was annoying, my god!

Harry, I will see you today in school and we will have a boys day out today! Gotta text him.

To Harry,
Hey I'm leaving my house gonna meet u in 5 mins come out when I knock the door or when I jus txt u on ere if u b l8 again im'a kill u wid my silence
From boobear x

Harry's POV:
The trickle of my blood is just amazing, the sight of that liquid just helps me, I should do this often, ha, the song Often by the weeknd...

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