Day five- making amends part II

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A/N: *Trigger WARNING: this may cause upsetting or sensitive views about drug abuse 

You have been warned..

Skip to Louis POV if you will find this sensitive or offensive or whatever XO

Zayn's POV:

My tab is taking me away I am too zoned out I see so many bursts of colour and sparkles, I am living the euphoric feeling. This euphoric feeling is like I am in a dream, I missed school because of this oh myyyyyyy, it's soooooo amaaaaziiiinnnggggggg. Shit, I forgot about Harry, I made a promise and I can't believe I broke it. It's okay he wont notice. Or will he? This LSD  is stronger than Liam's 'emergency' pill. I am full of regrets now. But I am living it, or suffering? I am sooo looost I don't understand!  I can't feel my face, or my legs or anything, I can't move! I am soo scared, i should've taken half. Where am I?! 

"Zayniee!" I hear Saafaa's faded voice. She shakes me and I finally try and stick back to reality. Tears are in those beautiful eyes of hers. 

"Saafaa?" I say but ended out more as a question. I am still lost for words because I don't know what the hell is still happening. At least, I have someone with me when I'm high in case I get fully lost in the 'wilderness'. 

"What's happening to you Zaynie?" She whimpers and sobs, still faded.

Saafaa's POV:

I don't know what is happening to Zayn, I am so scared. His pupils are enlarged, it's so scary

 His pupils are enlarged, it's so scary

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"Help me, please." He says with pleading eyes. I don't know what to do, I need him to stay with me.

"Okay, umm, what did you take Zee?" I ask, panicked.

"An LSD tab." He replied with tears in his eyes "Oh Saafaa, i'm so sorry I put you through this." He says, now sobbing.

"It's okay, you are here now, and I am only helping my older brother getting better." I say, tapping his back, cuddling him. He sniffles.

"I love you so much Saafaa, you mean the world to me." Zayn says.

"Hang on, let me research on how to soothe an LSD reaction." I reply quickly, leaving Zayn on my rug with my favourite teddy. 

"Is this Mr. Tiddles?" He says, cuddling him.  

I found out some sources on to calm a bad trip of LSD.

"Yeah." I reply. 

"Did you find anything?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, umm the best remedy is to listen to calm music, like your fave song, so you could get distracted." I reply. I put on his fave song called 'Thriller' by MJ, he sings along calmly. 

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