Day Three- A huge bombshell

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A/N: sorry for the slow updates just had to deal with some coursework and stuff like that and it took me aaaaaaageeees to write the second chapter it was 3 pages! Maybe more than that! 

Zayn's POV:

"What the hell Zayn! You told me you were straight!" My supposedly best friend Liam yelled.

"Hey, you swore you wouldn't yell..." I said, disappointed because he was supposed to be my best friend and support me.

"Yeah well you kinda lied to me Zayn, and what was all that when you were beating Harry up? Was that all for show then?" He says and asks in such a rude tone.

"No, it's hard to explain Liam!" I say, hoping he would understand.

"Oh, so you won't tell your best friend anything? What was that pact for then?" He spits.

"Please Liam, I told you almost everything! I just need your help." I say, his eyes lighten up but he quickly lowers his gaze.

"With what?" He simply asks shuffling his feet.

"With you helping me to harass Harry?" I say, it came out as a question.

"What do you want me to do?" He asks in the same tone.
I squeeze his shoulder with a hard firm and lean on the wall next to him.

"I want you to keep blondie out of the way, stall him until I can keep my Haz to myself. Can you do it?" I ask in a challenging tone.

"Of course I can! Payno strikes again!" He exclaims. Awwww he named himself payno, my loyal best buddy.

"Alright Payno! Calm yourself!" I laugh my Arse off. He blushes as red as a ripe tomato.

"Shut up! At least I'm helping you!" He defends, crossing his arms and pouting like a 2 year old now.

"So you know what to do now right?!" I ask him trying to see if this plan would work.

"Of course! You can trust your loyal friend right?" He asks.

"Of course Payno!" I smile and laugh joyusly that was until...

Harry's POV:

I see Zayn and his annoying friend, I don't really care about Zayn that much anymore because I have my leprechaun with me. I keep him close as soon as Liam gets up and reaches him... Why???

"Yo Nialler come here for a sec!" He exclaims and practically grabs his arm. Niall didn't know what to do. This really ticked me off, I am sick and tired of people bullying other people.

"Hey! Get your filthy hands off of my boy!" I yell. I try to get Niall but Liam practically stood in front of him, not letting me through. "I'm gonna kill you!" I jump on top of Liam and punch his face with my fists, just then, I felt a pair of large arms engulfing my waist to get me off of that stupid idiot! "Let go of me!" I yell. The guy lets go of me and that guy is Zayn... URGH! Could this get any worse!?

I found myself jinxing myself. He practically picks me up in the 'wrestler' type of way, over his shoulder. I try to wriggle out of his grip, but since he is so bodybuilt, I sadly couldn't do anything but look up at a smirking Liam with MY NIALL! The last thing I viewed was Liam harrassing Niall, he was flirting? Urgh! I seriously wanted to get out of this idiot's grip but we're moving, IN THE GENTS ROOM!

"WHAT THE FUCK ZAYN!!!!" I yell at him, wanting to punch his face. He shut me up by shoving his tongue down my throat urgh! I started to gag because I did NOT like that feeling at all!

I tried to get away from the hot freak but he pushed me back, firmly, and showed his sexy smirk.

"Not so fast, babe!" He exclaims. "I know you want me and I know you love me, you don't have to admit it because I can see it from your eyes and I love you too babe!" He exclaims and stares into my eyes, I check if he's lying but no sign of lying. He really loves me? Naaah he's messing with me.

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