Day seven- recovery

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Zayn's POV:

My heart begins to hammer wondering why and how there is a woman calling through Hazza's phone.

"Yes, this is he. What's happened? Is everything okay?" I quickly say.

"We tried to call everyone else but you seemed to have been the closest contact to him. Harry will be in st.Joseph's hospital we will let you know once you come to the hospital." The female replied.

"Is he at home?" I ask.

"Sir, we will take him to the hospital and let you know on any recovery. We just wanted to inform you about this because this person is at the age of 16." She replied calmly and hung up.

"Oh my god!" I say out loud rubbing my face with my hands.

"What happened?" Liam says with a worried expression on his face.

"Harry is in hospital.. I don't know what happened but the paramedic on the phone told me to visit him in hospital. Can you please drive me there?" I explain.

"Uhh, yeah of course I'll speed for you too bro." He replied and smiled.

I sigh. "Thanks."

We both get into the car and reach the hospital.

Harry's POV:

Why am I here? I should be with Louis. Holding his hand, telling him everything will be alright. Being there for him.

"Sir, please stay calm." The brunette woman says to me.

"Where is Louis?" I say.

"Your friend is next door." She replied

"Can I see him?" I ask.

"Sure. After about an hours time, you still need a bit more oxygen in you, please stay calm."

Athletically, Zayn rushes towards the two double doors to see me on my deathbed ish. 

"Baby, im so sorry, are you okay? What happened?" He quickly said in one breath.

I gaze into his worried, yet, sexy hazel eyes and say, "it's not me we gotta worry about, it's Louis."

Zayn's eyes soften and look away. "What's wrong with Louis?" He asked.

I sadly look down, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "He, he tried to kill himself. Zayn, his cuts were so fuckin' deep..." I hiccup, realizing i am now sobbing uncontrollably. 

Zayn leans over to me and embraces me in his muscular arms, his strong cologne scent wafting up in my nose, calms me down. I take a deep breath. He smiles sadly at me after we pull away and he kisses me (look at gif above) 

Louis POV:

I slowly regain consciousness with a big massive headache hitting me, I groan. 

I slowly remember a few flashbacks before I cut. 

I sob uncontrollably and a name escapes my lips... "Harry." 

"Are you okay, sir?" The nurse with green eyes and hair asks. Her eyes just remind me of Harry's.

"I just want Harry. Where is he?" I look down, sadly. 

"Your friend is next door. Would you like me to bring him to you?" She sweetly asked. I nodded shyly.

A few moments later, I see Harry waiting outside my room, just recovering from his tears.

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He sighs. "Hey Lou, how you feeling?" 

'Like I'm drowning..' I thought to myself. But I knew I was recovering as soon as I saw him.


A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this update i am so sorry for the biggest delay but please follow for notifications of an update n vote n comment it took me guts to acc post more updates because i was goin through a lot of shit myself but please dont be afraid to follow me :) i love y'all <3 i promise i'll try my best to update more n shout me out too coz the votes n comments are slowly ghosting 

Keep up the support  XO 

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