Day Six- heartbreaks and promises

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Zayn's POV: 

I do not regret taking the drugs in fact I LOVED taking them. However, I made a promise to my baby sister and I am never gonna break that promise because family comes first no matter what. 

To Liam; 

Meet me at our secret place NOW I'm coming now! 


Here I go...

Louis POV

Harry and I just ended up cuddling on the couch as buddies. I love him... Haven't got courage to say that yet...

"Louis?" He calls.

"Yeah." I reply, letting him know I'm here.

"Promise you will never leave me?" He says.

"I will never leave you. EVER. I promise you whatever it takes, I will always be here for you. You mean so much to me and I won't be able to bare the fact I might lose you. The pain was too much for me before as it is. Was. My life was so bad when you had left me." I say. Harry wipes my stray tear away from my cheek, which I never even realised, escaped. 

"I will never walk away again. I promise." He says before nuzzling in to my chest.

I cherish the moment we have. I love him.

"I love you." I finally get the courage to say it.

He sighs "love you too bro." He says before drifting off to his nap. 

Yeah 'bro'. That's all I will ever be to him sadly... 

I close my eyes and also drift off to my nap...

Liam's POV;

I finally see Zayn in our dark, secret hang out scrolling through texts and after seeing me he locks his phone.

"Hey." He says.

"Yo." I reply back.

"I called you here so we can talk, and before you say anything or walk away.." He sighs and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, okay, and I mean it." He says looking into my eyes. I don't see any glints in his eyes or anything.

"Zayn, it's okay, I forgive you it's just I don't know why you reacted like that when you saw Niall and I together." I say, playing with my fingers.

"Hey bro, look at me." I look up at him. "I didn't know how to react because it must've hurt Harry seeing his boyfriend with you and all. You get me?" He replies, gesturing as he spoke.

"Yeah, I get you but that's what you kinda wanted right? So you can have Harry to yourself?" I reply.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I now feel it's unfair and besides you never told me you were bisexual either." He replies.

"Yeah, well you caught me." I chuckle. He chuckles too.

"Do you really love Niall?" He questions out of the blue.

"Zee, Of course I do. Why? Has something happened between you and Harry?" I reply out of concern.

"You better not tell anyone okay, not Harry either." He says, coming closer.

"Zayn, what have YOU DONE?" I ask, because I know he usually is the one making mess out of things and I have to clean it up, but I'm his bro so its okay.

"Promise you won't get mad?" He asks, I nod. "No.. You have to promise."

"I promise Zee, you're my bro." I reply.

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