
88 17 6

By I forget who

By I forget who XD

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1. Im scared of lights because I they they will come alive like the Pixar animation, I know. I'm weird.
2. Sushi and Mac N' Cheese
3. Wings Of Fire
4. WolfAndRavenwing , Creepy_The_Wolf , -WolfHound- , sorihell , FiftyShades0fFandoms


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6. Starspeaker, and Ashflight
7. January 6
8. Suffocating
Paranormal Activity (but I love it lmao)
Extinction of animals
Global Warming

9. Reddish brown hair with really dark brown eyes, sorta tall
10. The whole Crybaby album, Ghost, Strange Love, Wake Up, Kitchen Sink, Migraine, House of Gold, The Way, Audience soundtrack
11. My cousin had one XD
12. The raptor trainer for Jurassic World (I'm sorry I have a terrible memory so I don't remember his name)

IM NOT A HUMAN (Fourth Art Book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt