N U. S H A D I N G.

83 20 5

School doodle

The hair on the last one bothers me

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The hair on the last one bothers me

Anyways check out the latest chapter in oh_schist_2003 's randomness book
But I'll say it here anyways
There was a guy in eighth grade who committed suicide in our town over the weekend
From what Schist has told me he was really nice and a lot of people are grieving for him
So guys
Yes. You too Wolf
Please don't hurt yourselves too badly...
I mean I know people sometimes can turn against you if you cut
Or self-harm at all
But on Wattpad we're all here for each other
We all are similar and will support you forever
With most of you even if you stole art I would still love you
Because your art isn't who you are
You all aren't names on a screen
You're friends
Every single one of you
I've been through it too
So please won't you pm me if you're feeling like you're not worth staying alive? That the world would be better off you?
Because it probably will be worse
Stop looking for a sign not to kill yourself
Because it's right in front of you
Your pet
Your family
Your friends
Your art
Your talent
Your music
Your sport
Anything that you're passionate towards
That's your reason
So just know
My arms are always wide open
Because we've all felt deep sadness
And I leave you with this

If the sound doesn't work it's called Wake Up Vent Map Complete
I've probably shown it before but now it actually fits

I tried to make this so I wasn't being a hypocrite on this chapter
Gosh that was hard

You are loved

IM NOT A HUMAN (Fourth Art Book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt