Call Me Crazy

88 17 16

But I just heard about someone being killed by a tiger at the palm beach zoo
And I'm just sitting here not sympathetic
Being like that's why you don't put beautiful animals in cages
Anything that's beautiful
People want to break
Probably the tiger will be put down or killed now
And it's not even its fucking fault
The tiger is being a tiger
And just because it still has beautiful, wild, instinct left in it
It's life has to be taken from it
You see
When I volunteer at the zoo in the summer for a week
I do it because I am hoping that I'll be able to keep the animals from suffering
I do it because if I don't do anything
Nobody will
Take the poison dart frogs in Costa Rica for example
I was sure somebody would do something
Or at least try to save them
But nobody did
And now they're gone
Nowhere in Costa Rica
They exist other places
But they made Costa Rica one of the most beautiful places in my opinion
I've never been there
But still
And they still blame the tiger
Humans know what they're doing
They know they're destroying everything beautiful and worth living for on this earth
But they still do it
Because most of them don't care
And the ones who do
They don't listen to

IM NOT A HUMAN (Fourth Art Book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt