Chapter 3

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"WAKE UP!!!!! IT'S TIME FOR YOUR FIRST DAYYYYY",screamed my very annoying mother in my face. I love her but... JEEZ. Why can't you just leave me alone for a bit and not like get in my personal bubble.

I got up and told my mother to leave and she did. Okay now what to wear? Since we live in Arizona it's going to be warm so I can wear shorts. (outfit on the side ;) ). I straightened usually beach wave hair and took two pieces from the right and left and tied them together in the back. Then I put on mascara and winged my eyeliner and no I don't wear eyeliner a lot almost never. I grabbed my turquoise Trans backpack and slung it over my shoulder, got my phone from the charger and got my keys and walked out the door.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a bagel.

"By mom!", I yelled running out the door to the garage.

"Bye sweetie"

I ran out to my blue jeep just like Stiles'. *wink* *wink*. I started the ignition and drove out of my drive way.


School (cause guess what I'm lazy)

I parked in a parking spot and walked and noticed people were staring and whispering. I kept my head down and went to the office. I got there and walked in to see a middle aged looking woman.

"Hello how may i help you?", she asked me in a sweet voice.

"Um, I'm new here and I was hoping I could get my schedule?", I said.

"Sure! Hold on a minute", she walked to the printer and got it for me.

She handed it to me.

"Here you go and have a great day at Blickson High!"

"Thanks", I said with a smile.

I walked out of the office and looked at my schedule and locker number;

Locker Number: 454

Schedule for Kyla Chasemen:

1st hour-Geometry

2nd hour- English 3

3rd hour- Government


4th hour- Art

5th hour- Chemistry

6th hour- U.S. History

7th hour- P.E.

Ugh P.E. I hate it so much. Yeah I know, I know so typical from a girl like me. But it's true I have hated it my whole life. Hopefully I don't get stuck with a bad teacher. Why don't I just stab my eyes out now?

Anyway my favorite class on this list is art. I love to paint and draw. I look up and see that some of the students are off to their first class. I found the 400 and went down the row.

449... 450... 451... 452... 453... I was about to my locker when I ran into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry", I said picking up my books and pens I dropped.

"It's okay", a girl said. " No one ever really sees me anyway"

I stood up facing a girl with glasses and red hair looking at me.

"I'm Kyla and I'm new here", I said kind of trying to lighten up the mood with a smile.

"I'm Annabeth, but you can call me Anna for short", she said.

"Hmmm I bet everyone calls you that, and I don't do that so I am going to call you An", I said with a smile.

An smiled, "Cool no one's ever called me that before"

"Good", I smiled back.

"Let me see your schedule"

I gave it to her.

"We have all of our classes together except P.E. and Art", An said. "So you want to sit with me at lunch",she said again as we walked toward Geometry.

"I would be delighted to", I said with a smile to her and using my horrible british accent.


Well guys I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in TWO WEEKS but I had spring break the first and a field trip the next. But what's important is that I'm back in action ;) I will also delete my other story because I just can't do more that one at a time and I really enjoy writing this one. I'll see you next week! HASTA LUEGO BITXHES!!!!!

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