Chapter 4

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~Kyla's P.O.V.~

You know what's the worst in the mornings? Having math as your first hour. You're tired and practically just woke up. So imagine this, me leaning my head on the palm of my hand with my mouth open and in my right hand I had a pencil and the boring af teacher telling us his journey to Mexico. Please tell me, how does Mexico involve Geometry. I guess like that Tootsie Pop commercial said, the world may never know.

I tapped An on the shoulder and asked her what time class ends.

"9:30", she said obviously bored out of her mind.

I look at the clock. It was 9:05. Ugggggg I don't know if I can take it much longer.

------Time jump to 9:30------

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my bag and walked out but waiting for An at the door. She walked out the door and we walked to English together but on the way she showed me the bathroom just in case.

I actually like English. Well duh since I like to read. But any way we walked in the classroom and we sat next to each other and talked a little and her giving me advice on the school. The bell rang and the teacher coming in saying good morning to the class.

---- lol another time jump but to lunch instead ;) -----

We walked out of the classroom and went to lunch.

"So I have something else to tell you about this school and it's pretty important.", she paused for a moment as we sat at her table.

"Okay lay it on me."

"So there are these guys here.... They are our age and are pretty bad."

"What do you mean by bad?"

"Well, these 4 boys have interests. Like let me give you a few, street racing, gangs, and partying.", She said with a horrified look on her face.

"Oh no. This is one of those stereotypical schools right?", I asked. She nodded.

"Oh well. Any way I need to eat my food cause food is my interest.", I picked my sandwich up and ate it and moaned. She laughed at me and two people came to sit next to us, a boy and a girl.

"Hey Beth.", the girl said sitting down not even noticing me but when she finally looked up and saw me.

"Guys, this is Kyla and she's new here", An said.

"Hey I'm Alyssa", she said with a smile and a wave.

"What's up, I'm Dylan",He said with a smirk and when I saw that smirk I just knew he was a cocky one. "But you can call me whatever you want", he winked at me.

"Ew gross, but anyway nice to meet you guys", I smiled at them and could tell we were going to be friends. I have had to pee so bad and now's my chance. So I'm gonna take it.

"Hey guys I'm going to go to the bathroom. Cya.", I said getting up.

"Okay, bye!", An said.

I walked out of the cafeteria and into the hallway but it's pretty much empty. I walked towards the bathroom while looking at the posters on the wall. Until I ran into someone and fell on by but. Why am I so unbalanced, uncoordinated, and so clumsy. Again, the world may never know.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention", I said getting up.

"Just watch where you're going.", his deep voice came out. But that just made me mad. That was rude and no one talks to me like that. I don't care if they are popular. I said, " Wow, okay so it's just all my fault when you obviously didn't see me either?" and then I turned around and mutter 'idiot' which probably wasn't my smartest move.

Suddenly I was pushed up against the lockers.

"You don't know who I am do you?", he asked

"And do I want to? Probably not so...", I said trying to move passed him but he slammed his arm down on the locker so now I'm trapped. Shoot.

"Well... I promise you'll figure it out soon enough. But just so you know, I'll get you back for this. Lesson number one, don't mess with me", he said in a threatening tone.

He walked away with his 3 friend laughing. And then it hit me. Holy mother of Justin Bieber. That's the guys An was talking about. And I just angered one of them. I don't have to pee any more...


WHAZZZZ UPPPP!!! Sorry I didn't post yesterday I was at the Justin Bieber concert. But I love feed back so if you have any comments please tell me ;) I am trying to put pictures on here so hopefully I can so stay tuned. Well that's it!!! See ya next week! PEACE!

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