Chapter 1:

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Rose's point of view

" Mom" I heard a set of voices yell .

I turned around and smiled at my twins coming to me running. That's right I have a set of twins, Sabrina and Sebastian. Apparently in Dimitri's family ran twins as Viktoria was able to have twins as well both girls. They were both around the age of three almost four, but for their age they were very intelligent I would say.

" Mom, where is Daddy?" Sabrina asked me as she collided into me first.

I hugged them both with all my might as I gave them both a kiss.

" Daddy is with your brother Ivan at the moment" I said with a smile.

I walked with my kids back into the palace and they soon ran away doing God knows what. My oldest son Ivan is around ten years old, you could see my character in him but his protectiveness came from Dimitri. Ivan was at the age where Comrade and me decided it would be time to send him to a academy. The twins would attend with him as well as we knew that it would be the best for them. It didn't mean that we forget about them, we would always visit whenever we can and Lissa would always tag along as well she loved her niece and nephews.

What can I say about Lissa, she's been great Queen to her people. She has improve a lot of things in the Moroi world in the sense that Moroi now know how to defend themselves against Strigoi. Around that time she managed to get married to Christian which made him King and have kids of her own. To build the Dragomir numbers in agreement with Christian they decided to have their kids use Dragomir as a first Last name rather than being Ozera-Dragomir. Which meant that the Dragomir titles when to all the way from Princess which Jill had the title to Lady Dragomir which Lissa's youngest daughter Athena held. At the moment Lissa has five kids, three boys and two girls.

Since Christian became King, the amount of guardians for the royal guard has somewhat increase I would say. I was still in first command for the Queens guard with Eddie as my second, but we went from seven to almost fourteen guardians can you believe that. I walked to Lissa's office when I suddenly felt from her the urge to cry. I quickly found her sitting on her chair with her hands in her face.

" Lissa, what's wrong ?" I asked her as I kneeled in front of her.

Lissa still kept crying but she took her hands of her face and it's when I heard it.

" Ekterina was murdered" I heard threw the bond.

Ekterina was such a wonderful women even in her old age. She was the one who ran the trial for the successor of Tatiana in which Lissa ended wining. To hear that she was killed was the saddest thing ever as she wanted to live out what was rest of her life in peace.

After Lissa took her hands of her face and regained posture she looked at me.

" The Zeklos are having the funeral in Russia as Royals especially late Queens get buried over at the Russian Court" Lissa said as she looked at me.

" So I'll get everything ready for our departure, it's just you going right ?" I asked her since I knew with Christians schedule coming up he wouldn't be able to leave the country.

" Yeah, Christian has a very important meeting with the Moroi council about you know what" Lissa said .

Christian as King has made it his deal to get the law passed in which Moroi would learn self-defense in case of needing to help their guardian out. It was personal to Christian himself as he had both his parents turn and as well Tasha, he wanted to defend himself and his kids.

" I can't always rely on fire" I remember him saying one time.

I took my phone out and started making phone calls for the arrangements of our trip. According to Lissa they are doing the service in three days which is enough time for us to get there in one day. Over time I have gotten used to getting to places the day of but early or two days before as I had a lot of people to worry about, one of my priorities being Lissa herself. Even if over the years she been able to somewhat stabilize the Dragomir family, it's still the one Royal family with the less members that could be easily wiped out if not careful.

The plane was already notified that we would be arriving the day of the funeral but early for Moroi, just to be safe. Lissa agreed to the time as she knew how I was when it came to flying.

" My team please report to Lissa office " I said threw the headpiece in which connected me to the royal guard.

Dimitri was in charge of the Kings guards which was also connected to mines threw the headpiece. They all started showing up within five minutes. The ones that weren't here were Viktoria and Nikolia as they took their daughters to visit Olena for a few weeks. I had Lissa's assistant Amanda call them and tell them of the situation, they quickly agreed to meet us at the Russian Court. Every member of the guard was in title to having their vacation, which most of them have already taken visiting their dear ones.

I explain to them what happen and how we had to have an unexpected fly to Russia for the funeral. I told them to pack clothes especially black because when it came to funerals we the guard must also somewhat wear black. As soon as I was done they were dismissed and went to do their things.

" Liss, I'll see you later" I told her as I hugged her from behind as I saw she was busy.

I walked with my kids to my own place which wasn't connected to Lissa's palace. As soon as I walked inside the twins ran to I don't know where and I went where my nose lead me to which was the kitchen. As soon as I reached the kitchen I smiled as I saw my boys actually cooking together.

" Is that black bread I smell?" I asked as I sat on the kitchen chair.

" Dad showed me how to make it, since grandma isn't here" Ivan said with a proud smile.

" well the taster is here " I smiled as I took a piece of the bread.

As soon as I took the first bite, I melted. It tasted the same as Olena make when she is here. The boys clearly saw my expression and they knew they had succeeded, as they both fist bump each other. Comrade cut three pieces and placed them into smaller plates, I'm guessing those are for the kids.

" Son, can you please go get your siblings so they could have some" Dimitri said to our son as he was trying to clean himself.

" Sure" our son said and ran to go find them.

As soon as he was out the room I was collided into my comrades arms. He smiled at me with that smile that always melted me. He lowered his face and kissed me. As our lips touch I once again felt that electricity that we shared. Our kiss slowly started to heat up as somehow ended in the corner of our kitchen about to take our clothes off. Even ten years of being together our love for each other doesn't change.

" I love you" Comrade whispered to my ear as he let go as we both heard footsteps coming.


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