Aldus chose the pathway that was nearer to the forests and was more peaceful. The road was a worn but still beautiful white kind of stone paving with the grass already sprouting through its cracks. The forests were on one side of the road and were noisy with wildlife; birds perched and chirping, wild game rustling through the bushes, and smaller animals peeking through the foliage. Salina felt that she would never cease to marvel at the bounty of nature here.

She was ecstatic when he told her that they would go through the markets. To her, visiting the market was the best way to truly get to know a place. This was where the locals were at their most natural and where they openly displayed all that they could offer. She felt a comforting sense of familiarity when she saw the shops and homes bustling with people. It was so similar to Armen and yet so different.

The markets were a cluster of small shop buildings built adjacent to each other. Where in Armen they were all quite shabby and worn, here they were well maintained and painted in different vibrant hues. No building was the same color as the ones next to it and some even had murals drawn on them. It was a spectacular sight that would make any person feel giddy.

Tents and stalls lined the streets with merchants peddling their wares and customers arguing about prices. The smell of freshly made food combined with fumes from potions made an interesting ambiance. Children were chasing each other around while effortlessly weaving through the crowds.

It was no question that there was a greater assortment of items for sale here than back home. There surely were no blacksmiths that forged weaponry with their heated bare hands in Armen. Salina was more than happy to just stand there and breathe in the life of the place.

"Welcome, Salina, to Waxwing's Rainbow Markets," Aldus said with a proud smile.

She smiled at the apt name. "I love it. Everything is just so... alive!"

He chuckled and led her through the streets. "Waxwing is the center for education and the arts, because of that, a large portion of our residents are artists and musicians. The effect is a region that is popping with color."

Salina realized the symmetry between the markets and her room at the mansion; clean plain colors with splashes of unexpected color here and there. This whole region had an eclectic aesthetic that she had never really seen before, but found that she enjoyed it immensely.

She had not realized that Aldus had left her when she stood mesmerized as she watched a mage weave thick smoke into figures for a story he was telling. He tapped her shoulder to get her attention and presented her a small bowl with round things and a sauce inside. She assumed it was food, but she thought it better to ask and make sure.

"What is this, Aldus?" she asked. She picked up one of the small forks that was skewered on one of the balls and sniffed it.

"This is a common street food here. You must try it!" he said. He happily took the other tiny fork and ate one of the round things. He closed his eyes as he savored the taste.

"But what is it?" she asked skeptically.

"No need to be worried, my dear. It's only a deep fried quail egg and they cover it in flour to make it crunchy."

"But why is it orange?" she asked. It was such a strange shade of neon orange too.

Aldus laughed freely as he realized how strange it must look to a foreigner. "I honestly have no idea why they make it in this color, but I promise you that it is delicious. Just give it a try."

Hallowed Damnation [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now