Chapter Two

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It was nearly four o'clock and I walked up to a nearby neighbourhood where Rachel and Teddy lived. Rachel and Teddy are cousins, a lot of kids in my school thinks that I want to be related to Teddy, which I do-and the thing that just isn't going to happen is... They say that I should marry Rachel? No. No. No.

But of course, I knocked on her door. Rachel greeted me and I came in. It was cold inside but her mother was cooking lunch, a whole mountain of ham and cheese sandwiches.

"Wow..." I said as we sat around the table, "is your family a fan of ham and cheese?"
"It's quite embarrassing" Rachel explained, "I hate ham and cheese sandwiches... Blugh..."
Her family stuffed their mouths with hundreds of those "things". Rachel seemed to be the only one not enjoying the sight, but so was I.
And her big brothers, Derek and Harold said that their family was posh?

I took a sip of their so called "cordial" (it was just cordial but with too much water. It nearly lost its flavour) and nibbled at the food. I left the table and sat on one of the sofas and switched on the television. The news was on, showing  that the Early Sullivan would be no longer be in mailboxes? We have to go and buy them? What was this? If my Dad was watching, he would scream and yell at the TV. I could just imagine it, but mum would say, "At least it hasn't happened yet to Just Ladies (a magazine mum adores)".

The thought quickly changed into the tests. Rachel was playing outside, football. I remembered, we had to study!

I rushed out the back door and held on to Rachel's shoulders. "TEST. TEST. TEST. TEST!!!!!"
"Of course, I haven't forgotten about the tests!" She answered.
She dropped the ball and walked inside. We went up the steps and entered her room.

The walls were covered in pink paint and her bed was purple, along with a kirby plushie that I bought for her last year because it was her birthday. The floor was in red and pink carpet, her desk painted white and curved at the edges, jars of strawberry gum balls in every shelf, beside a pile of Marvel comic books that were never read. A huge portrait of her and-who? He was exactly the same age, he looked different from her, couldn't be a family relative, he wore headphones and had messy blonde hair, blue eyes and had a love for Science. Both of them were holding books that were both from a fantasy series. Rachel was wearing an opal necklace, which she has already explained to me, came from her mother, and wore a blue butterfly headband.

They both seemed obsessed with each other. "Is this-uh-your boyfriend?"

"He died a long time ago..."

Oh. How tragic...

"He was my best friend. Perfect in every way".

Is this true?

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