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Camila didn't believe in fate.

She didn't believe in fate the way she didn't believe in love at first sight.

That changed one day when Camila fell in love with Lauren the moment she laid eyes on her.

Camila was standing backstage, clasping her hands together. She had no idea whether she would be called to audition. It was maddening, but she didn't want to give up. It wasn't helping that almost every candidate who went on stage sounded so good. She saw the looks on the faces of those who were accepted to the next round. It was unbearable to look at, knowing her chance to even sing for the judges was down to one percent.

Strangely, she found herself listening as a contestant sang a song she knew by Alicia Keys. The voice of the singer was both raspy and soulful. Camila knew she would get in, and it wasn't a surprise when the girl eventually got through.

Followed by a crowd, who probably comprised of her family and friends, Camila heard her name. Lauren. Getting a clearer look, she found out that not only did Lauren have a good voice, but that she was pretty too. No, not pretty. Extremely pretty.

By fate's chance, Lauren passed near Camila's way and Camila took her leap of faith. She stepped forward.

"Hey, that was really good, congratulations!" Camila said. The moment she said it, she wished that she took it back. She was awkward and the moment Lauren's gaze shifted to her, she felt her body tense. Her eyes were so green.

She was suddenly glad she said something before taking a good look at Lauren. She didn't know if she could ever muster the strength to speak knowing her eyes looked like they were pulling her in.

"Why thank you," Lauren smiled, and Camila felt her knees go weak, "I'm sorry, what's your name?"


Lauren nodded. She looked at Camila like she studied her for a second. She soon looked behind her, at her family and friends and back at Camila. "Hey Camila, I need to go, but I wish you luck in your audition! I'm sure you'll make it!"

Camila's heart sank. She didn't know if it was because Lauren had to leave or that Lauren believed in her so much in the few seconds that they met more than she ever did herself.

Lauren started to make her way back, when Camila spoke again.

"I like your shirt, by the way." Lauren turned back around, and smiled, blushing.

With that, Lauren disappeared from her sight and Camila was left re-thinking about the last thirty seconds of her life.

It wasn't fair, seeing her and then not even getting the chance to have a decent conversation. I like your shirt, that was a stupid thing to say. Will Lauren even remember her after?

Camila fell in love with Lauren the moment she laid eyes on her, but back then, she didn't know what love was. All she knew was that she saw Lauren and her beautiful green eyes, and she felt something inside of her, something she never felt before. It was as if something in her knew. Knew what? She still didn't know.


They met each other again at bootcamp.

Camila felt the pressure of the competition on her shoulders. She felt intimidated by a lot of the contestants. She recognized a few faces here and there, but none stood out as much as Lauren. When she caught sight of the beautiful brunette again, she made her way to her.

"Hey Lauren!" Camila waved.

Lauren's eyes lit up when she saw Camila and Camila felt butterflies at the pits of her stomach. Camila suddenly realized Lauren might not even know her name. She bit her lip.

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