Part 6 - SUNRISE

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For the first time in a while, Camila joins the rest of the girls.

They are in their lounge in their studio. Camila saw that Lauren wasn't around that's why she decided to hang out. Her recent closeness to Dinah made her realize that the younger girl was right, Normani and Ally didn't hate her as she'd thought.

"Hey Walz!" Dinah called out, eating some sort of vegan chips from the couch which were probably from Normani.

"Hey," She became a lot more at ease with Dinah after letting her in on her love life. It was a good thing actually. Camila sat next to Dinah and rested her head on the younger girl's shoulder. She still felt drained from all the crying she did a couple of nights ago. The tears were gone but the hole it left in her chest was still there.

Ally came out from the kitchen, and announced that she was going to bake some brownies for them. Ally was her cheery usual self and Camila wished she could borrow some of the oldest girl's mood.

"Where's Laur?" Camila silently asked Dinah.

"She's back in Miami, for a family occasion I think." Dinah was scrolling through Twitter and Camila couldn't help but see all the positive and fun tweets Dinah received. She groaned. She stayed as much as possible from Twitter because of all the hateful comments she got. Anything she would do, she would get attacked by mean 'fans' who would accuse her of being a snake.

It was tiring. She already had her problems with Lauren to deal with and the hatred online made it worse. She used to cry herself to sleep because of them. She knew her duet caused many problems, but she didn't foresee it because at that time, what she was concerned about was making a song that summed up her relationship. She hated that it had caused a divide in their fans, and their own group.

She looked at Ally who was starting to prepare some kitchen stuff in the counter and she realized that she never really apologized to the girls about her duet.

Her words came out before her reasoning could stop her. "Ally,"

The smallest girl turned her head and went up to Camila. Ally softly smiled at her and tucked her hair behind her ear. It made her feel worse that Ally was always Ally. Nice and kind to everyone, including her who didn't deserve it. Camila sat up straight, her hands under her legs and looked at Dinah too who suddenly seemed involved in their conversation. She was suddenly aware of how awful she must have looked: her hair a mess, dark circles around her eyes, and her eyes a bit puffy from having just cried last night.

"Listen, I've never properly apologized for the things I've done in the past year. Now that it's a new year, and we're making this new album I just wanna say that I'm sorry for messing everything up with my duet with Shawn. It was a stupid idea, I hope you know I'm sorry. I didn't intend to jeopardize this group." Camila felt the tears brim at her eyes. She shut them. She hated crying, even though it became a regular habit for her now.

"Mila," Ally's tone was melting, "I understand, you've been going through a lot these days. A lot more compared to what we are going through, and it's okay. What's past is past." Ally embraced her and Camila hugged her back. Dinah made some 'awww' sounds and hugged them both in a large embrace.

Normani suddenly walked out wearing a sports bra and sweatpants. She looked confused at the commotion in the other side of the room.

"What's happening over there?" She called out confused.

Dinah broke from the hug and waved to her, smiling. "Mani, get you ESS here!! Mila's got something to tell you."

Camila broke from Ally's hug and wiped her eyes. She looked at Mani's approaching figure and gulped because she and Mani haven't been friendly since she sided with Lauren when they broke up. To make matters worse, Mani had issues with Camila's duet, which caused a rift between Sinu and Drea as well.

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