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Camila was in Lauren's hotel room as it happened.

Camila was using her phone at the foot of the bed as Lauren was reading a book by the bedside. Camila has been keeping her distance from Lauren ever since her short fling with Michael happened. She couldn't help herself, after all it was her coping mechanism.

It's been a week since Camila had last seen Michael but his presence left marks on her. Literally. Camila had to make sure Lauren or anyone for the matter, saw them.

It's been a month since Lauren outed them both to the rest of the girls. It wasn't exactly what Camila had hoped for but the rest of the girls were very understanding and supportive of their situation.

"Camz," Camila heard the sound of Lauren groaning as she shut her book. It's been a long time since she and Lauren made out. Camila had made excuse after excuse to not push through like her stomach cramps, or that she was feeling nauseous. She was running out of excuses.

Camila faced the older girl. Lauren looked tired. There were dark circles under her eyes. She had been going out at night non-stop since Camila didn't want to spend the night in bed. The result was Lauren getting drained from the night life.

Camila put her phone aside and went up to Lauren. She held her hand and forced a smile. As she looked at the green-eyed girl, she felt her mouth go sour with her smile. She hated herself for doing that to Lauren. Lauren who was always good to her. Lauren who was everything she ever wanted. Why did she have to fuck up?

"Just don't make me take off my shirt, I'm cold." Camila lied. She hated how easy it became for her to lie to Lauren. Before the green eyes of the older girl would disarm her, make her stutter and forget her train of thought.

Lauren nodded and wrapped Camila's arms on her own waist as her lips locked on hers. The taste of Lauren on Camila's lips felt like utter betrayal. It was so pure and she felt she was tainting everything the other girl ever gave her. Her first kiss. Her first everything.

They began to get into motion, the same rhythm they always had. Normally, Camila didn't think and let her body do the thinking for her. But every time her hands touched skin, her mind was racing, driving her crazy.

Lauren's hands drifted to her waist, and Camila flinched. They kept going. Lauren wasn't gentle this time so the second time her hands gripped Camila's waist tighter, she pulled away from the kiss.

Lauren looked confused. "What's wrong?"

Camila shook her head and pulled Lauren back into a kiss. They resumed their pace but Lauren knew something was wrong in the way Camila's hands were on hers and how her lips moved. Lauren pulled away again and held the smaller girl at arm's length.

"Camz, I know you're lying. Something's wrong."

Camila silently cursed. She hated how transparent she was. She felt the tears well up in her eyes and bit her lip. In that moment Camila almost swore Lauren knew what she was thinking. Lauren shut her eyes. "Just-tell me okay? I'm worth being given the explanation."

Camila's phone buzzed before she could speak. Lauren, who was beside her phone immediately saw the notification and frowned. "I didn't know you were seeing Michael."

Camila fell silent and just stared at her hands clasped together. She was a girl with many words, but at that moment, she was inhibited.

When Camila looked back at Lauren again, it was as if she saw a tiny light bulb go off as the older girl put two and two together. Camila wished she didn't look at Lauren's face then, it was a mask of emotions she wish she could just kiss away to make her better. But she can't. She knew she fucked up and wasn't even denying it.

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