Part 2 - DAWN

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Camila and Lauren became inseparable.

It started immediately after they were put together in a group. Normani used to call them being thick as thieves since one wasn't seen without the other. Lauren was the older sister Camila never had, only that Camila was sure one shouldn't feel this strong feeling towards one's sister.

During interviews, appearances, they would always be beside each other. It came to a point where they could easily read each other's body language. At least, Camila was sure Lauren could read her. Lauren was at times, unreadable which frustrated Camila. Reminded her that the green-eyed girl was never wholly hers.

That made Camila nervous because she hoped she wasn't being too obvious with how she felt. Lauren was a very loving person. She constantly showered the people she loved with affection, making Camila wonder and read between the lines. Occasionally, she would catch Lauren looking at her. Lauren loved watching people but in the back of Camila's mind, it was as if there was a special gaze reserved for her.

Things started to change when they were signed to a record label after the competition. They were in LA at the studio, and they were without their parents.

At first it was nothing, but she soon realized how much closer they've gotten in a week without anyone else watching over them. Camila once woke up at night from their shared room at the LA studio and was surprised to find Lauren cuddled over her. She steadied her breathing, to match Lauren's. Lauren was cold against her, she always was. She gently brushed the strands of hair covering her cheek, revealing her porcelain skin.

Camila was telling herself this was normal. Best friends sleep with each other. She knew Mani and Dinah did. But did they want to kiss each other? Camila swallowed. She hated that her feelings for Lauren would always cross her mind. She often wondered what Lauren felt, if she thought of her the same way Camila did.

Camila closed her eyes, the image of Lauren's sleeping form burning in her mind. She decided that if she wanted to replay one moment for the rest of her life, it would be that.


Camila never kissed anyone before.

They had an interview once and she was asked if she ever had her first kiss. She shyly admitted that she hadn't. The girls reassured her that it was alright.

Lauren got asked if she would kiss on the first date. Lauren said yes. It was at times like these when Camila felt that she was different from Lauren. After being similar in many aspects, this was where they differed. Lauren was that kind of person. She wasn't.

She began to wonder how many people Lauren have kissed before. The thought of someone else kissing Lauren made Camila feel sick.

There was a little party in their producer's house and everyone was going, except for Camila. She didn't like parties, but she didn't want to feel alone so she went along. After the music started playing, she wanted out. She made her way out and to their SUV where their driver was waiting inside.

"Camz!" Camila didn't turn back. She let Lauren grab her arm and spin her around. Her grip was hard on Camila arm, but she let Lauren do it. She didn't mind. She always let Lauren off easy. "You're going home already? It just started!"

"Yeah, parties aren't my thing, Lauren you know that." Camila started walking again. The attention Lauren was giving her made her mind race. She didn't want to make Lauren chase her but at the same time she did. Lauren ran to catch up.

"Okay, let me come with you then. I won't let my best friend go alone." Her face was set, and a little too close to Camila. For some reason, even the word best friend stung. Camila felt she wasn't enough. She never was.

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