Part 8 - DUSK

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Camila woke up in Lauren's arms.

She thought it was all a dream, waking up to the sight of the green-eyed girl. The faint breathing sound, the rising and falling of her chest reassured Camila that it was all very much real.

Lauren's arm was wrapped around her waist. There was nothing in between them; it was all skin against skin and it gave her goosebumps. She spent her minutes away watching the other girl, which was one of her favorite things to do way back. Camila was always the early riser before but ever since her mishap with Lauren and all the drama she had to endure, she had been getting bouts of anxiety which led to her bad sleeping habits. When the usually woke up early, she would normally go back to sleep but that day, she was content with spending her time just watching the girl she loved.

She wished that she could freeze time there and then because she didn't know what was next for them. She knew that drunk sex never worked out, even if it was Lauren.

She saw the Lauren's brown roots were showing despite her attempts to dye it, she saw how her porcelain skin seemed to glow, a sign that the girl was happier and even healthier compared to how she looked before when her partying took its toll. The only thing the same was that Lauren was colder than her. It never changed.

She thought of how happy Lauren was this year compared to last year. Despite heeding Dinah's advice and by putting herself before Lauren, she knew part of her would still give anything to make the other girl happy, but she knew Lauren got it without her help. She sadly thought of how they were still polar opposites, how one had to be sad for the other to be happy. When they first met, Camila was the sad one while Lauren was happy. When they got together, it evened out for both of them though it was a constant and even toxic cycle. When they broke it off, Lauren was the first to move on and be happy, leaving Camila yet again, sad.

She thought how unfair it was that she was left to be the sad one but she believed in karma and thought it was only paying her back for messing it all up. She couldn't bear the thought of Lauren sad, it was a different story for her.

"Camz," Lauren murmured, her eyes still shut. She snapped out of her thoughts and turned her attention to the girl. Lauren calling her with her little pet name still made her heart fluff with happiness after all this time. 

"I'm here," Camila proceeded to snake her arm around the other girl's.

"I'm happy you stayed," Lauren's voice was soft and warm, soothing her ears.

Camila's heart ached. She was the one who left the first thing in the morning back then, when Lauren was still fast asleep, and go back to her own room. Her heart ached for the fact that Lauren thought she would leave just like before. She willed every fiber of her being to make the other girl feel that she won't ever leave her side until she had to. 

"You told me just one last time, I'm just holding out on your request."

Lauren opened her eyes and Camila felt like she was lost in space, staring at a new found galaxy. Lauren's lips formed a smile and Camila asked why.

"People won't ever shut up about my eyes, but look at yours. They're a pretty shade of brown, even better in the early mornings." Camila bit her lip and felt her cheeks go red. She tried to bury herself under the sheets but Lauren stopped her and nuzzled her neck with a kiss.

Camila knew she should protest, which she did when she pulled back from the other girl. Lauren, instead of looking annoyed which was her usual response when she pulled away, looked melancholic. "You know Camila, it's still you. Very stupid of me to come to the realization only recently."

Camila rested her head on Lauren's shoulder and both of them stared up at the bare white washed ceiling of their hotel room. The sun looked like it just rose as the lights bouncing off from the curtains were an orange hue.

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