Being Blind Won't Stop Us{Andy Biersack love story!}

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Chapter 1!

                       I stood on the stage listening to teh crowd cheer me on. I knew I wasn't anywhere near the edge of the stage. My band members wouldn't let me near there. And if I wanna go down somene assists me. Why? Because I'm blind. I'm a blind rockstar. And right now I'm standing on stage waiting to do our last song of the night and of this tour. Next up we're touring with Black Veil Brides. James started his guitar and soon bass and drums came in. After a while the lyrics came and they just rolled off my tongue like it was nothing.

"After all that was said

All that was done

You expect me to believe you truly love me?

After all you did

After all you lied about

You expect me to givve you one more try?

No not this time!

I'm leaving this all behind

Taking one step forward

Never looking back

Taking my chances

Living my life

Cause baby there's no second chances

It's do or die

Somehow you said you did

Somehow I believed you

Thought I knew you

Thought I was right

I was so wrong

So many times I thought I knew

That it was the truth

When you said I love you

Leave me alone

Let me go

I'm so over it

I'm leaving this all behind

Taking one step forward

Never looking back

Taking my chances

Living my life

Cause baby there's no second chances

It's do or die




              When I finished everybody was cheering my name. Yelling encore. But there was no encore. Not tonight. I was already tired enough. So I said my goodbyes thanked everyone for having us and then Dylan led me off the stage. I sighed as I got onto the tour bus and on our way to the airport to go meet Andy and the rest of them to start our next tour. I drifted off into a nice peaceful sleep.

            I dreamt of eyesight and what it would be like to be on stage singing and being able to see the crowd and I'd be able to walk around without James or Dylan pulling me back or telling me not to go any further.

       When I woke up it didn't surprise me that I didnt see anybody or anything. I sighed as I sat up and stretched. I accidently hit someone in the face though.

"Ohmygod I'm so sorry!" I said.

"Woah, Janie it's ok. Calm down I should've be watching out,"Milly, our drummer, said.

"Dammit Milly. Are we there yet?"

"Yeah we've been here. We got here early so we let you sleep. But BVB is here so I got sent to come get you."



"LIES!" and I threw a pillow at where I thought he was.

          He gave something to me and I assumed it was a brush which I brought through my hair. I growled and had Milly bring me out to Andy and the rest of them. As soon as we stopped I started talking.

"Hey, this is like a little stupid routine thing. We meet the bands we'll be touring with. Blah, blah. Anyways I'm Janie, the drummer is Milly, guitarist is James, and Bassist is Dylan. Got it? Can we go now?" I said all grouchy like.

"Awe, is someone a little gruchy Janie?" came a voice I don't recgnize as one of my bandmates,

"I don't know who just said that but fuck off."

"Oh man, well I'm the singer for Black Veil Brides. I'm Andy, guitarist number one is Jake, number two is Jinxx, bassist is Ashley, and drummer is CC. Yes we're ready to go. We're already loaded and so are you."

"Good, lets go!"

        We loaded the plane and I sat down. Soon somebody sat down next to me and it turned out to be Andy. I sighed and e began to talk.

"Go ahead ask," I eventually said.

"Ask what?" He said actually sounded confused.

"The question everyone wants to know. How do I sing being blind? Let me tell you. Lots of hard fucking work."

"I bet. Well, are you excited about this tour?"

"Yes but right now, I'm even more excited for some more sleep so if you excuse me I'll be going to sleep. Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams Janie."

      And those words made my heart flutter. It confused me but I let it go as I slowly drifted off into a sleep with a dream of me and Andy alone, and I could see his face, and I loved him.


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Love Andy<3

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