Chapter 3(:

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Chapter 3

      It's been about a week since we arrived. We've all been working together and came together to decide some crap. Both bands will be playing for the duet I wrote Screams Of Love. Andy and I will sing and when we seperate we'll get new compainions but on both of our new CD's the song will be. We began writing the music for it two days ago and everything is going well

     The song starts out slow as Andy sings. His voice falls into the music and I feel hypnotized. And as my part comes it get's faster and faster and when we both sing everything's in place and is like fast. We both sing in harmony and syncronized. When the song finally ends we're all satisfied. And were ready for tonight. The night we present the song for the first time ever.

        There was a wierd sound coming frm somewhere. I kinda ignored it. You know, didn't think about it, but now I wish I hadn't just ignored it. Anyways, Bullet My Heart was on first. We went out and I felt the relief I had ever so missed. We began out talking as per usual. I said something about how it was a great honor to be there with them and now it was time to rock this house away(something me and the band came up with). We began on our song Little White Lies. One of my favorites. The lyrics were kidna soft but kinda demented in a way as well.

"Don't mess with the crypts

Don't mess with me

It's time for a ending

Never happy you see

Once you cheat on me

Once you do your time

Just because I'm blind

You better know you're blind to what you lost


These little white lies

These big fat ties

Leaving you without anytime

A fucker

A dreamer

A loser with no life



Scream it out loud

Scream about your


       The song continued on and everyone was singing with us. And after our set was done we went off and BVB went on. I felt someone grab my arm and whipser something in my ear before they let go and went out.

"You did amazing Janie," and I knew the voice was Andy's.

       I smiled in satisfaction and then called for Milly to guide me to a seat to wait for the ending. After waiting about an hour I heard Andy say our names and we all walked back out. I grabbed a mic that was being put into my hand and Andy(I'm guessing) pulled me to the front. I smiled and began speaking before Andy could.

"Everyone! Yes, Bullet My Heart has come back for one more song. This song we wrote on the way here and we just wrote the music for it. Tell us what you think guys! This one's called Scream Of Love!

     The guitars began and and everyne began cheering. Andy started singing and I was standing there smiling and waiting for my part. When my part came I began to sing and scream and everyone must've been in awe because they were silent. And when Andy started singing with me they weren't yelling then. And when teh song ended it was compltely silent. And then tons of cheers. Screams. Wants. I felt so happy I could've cried. Instead I let Andy thank everyone and walk me off. But right before someone. Somene yelled loud enough for me and Andy to walk back. This person asked us the most wierdest question. He asked if we were dating. I turned around in attempt to walk away but then the wierd noise I heard again. But this time it got louder and louder. It got so loud that it killed my ears so hard that I fell to the floor holding my ears. In a second there was someone next to me trying to talk to me. I looked up from what should've been the ground and all I heard was a giant crash and I actually saw a flash of light. The explosion was so strong that I could actually see it!

One thought haunted me as I left conciousness. What if Andy went blind now too?


OOHH! Cliffy! Aha. You guys still love meh xD. Lol. Well sorry it's short. I hope it was good enough for you guys though!

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Love you guys!



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