Hangovers and Embarrassment

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Matthew woke up on the couch with a light headache and little to no recollection of what happened yesterday, except...

"More...I want more."

The Canadian burned up at the thought of this, an audible grunt heard from him. That was so embarrassing. And more so, it was Gilbert. GILBERT. Gilbert who probably has tons of diaries. Gilbert who'll probably remember that forever.

"Ah, Fuck me..."

"Didn't you say that during your make out session with Gil?", Alfred joked, leaning against the back of the couch  as if he would to a balcony and looking down at the slightly hungover Matthew. The latter took the joke too seriously.

"W-Wait, WHAT? D-Did we..."

Matthew quickly sat up, almost hitting Alfred's head with his own. The American backed off and straightened his posture, grinning.

"I heard some Canadian moans in the guest room."

Matthew widened his eyes, blushing furiously.

"N-No...You're  kidding, right?"

Alfred cackled, amused by how gullible his brother is.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Fuck, Matthew! Hah!"

The Canadian squinted and let out a sigh of relief. Well... they did make out, but that was it.

"I saw everything, though."

Just when Matthew was about to question, he noticed the camera Alfred held on his right hand. The Canadian squinted at him.

"You never liked photography."

"W-Well maybe I just took a sudden interest."

"Yeah right. Give me the camera."


"Please give it."


"Show me!"

"Lol no."


Matthew reached for the camera and grabbed it from the American, seeing pictures of himself having a deep sleep on the couch.

"...You have a crush on me or something?"

"Pfft, why would I, you loser?"

"...But w-what are you doing with this? Who're you sending this to?"

The American smirked at Matthew and raised a brow, teasing his brother.

"No. No No Please No."

"What? He asked me to."

"Wait, what?"

Alfred grinned again.

"And a good morning from Gilbert."

Matthew's face turned red almost instantly. Was he really asking for those things? Alfred might be joking again. He is, isn't he? Heh, heh, gullible Matthew, he's lying, obviously...

Although it was obvious he wasn't.

"...Please don't send them."

The Canadian groggily walked to the bathroom, wanting to wash his face first thing in the morning. What happened last night with Gilbert clouded his thoughts, and the Prussian asking for pictures just confused him even more. But I mean... he is quite attractive...

As he looked at his own fresh face in the mirror, he received a text from an unknown number. Out of curiosity, he opened it. Who knows, maybe he was the millionth Walmart customer?

'You look adorable sleeping, more please? ;)
        - Awesome Hot Gilbert
p.s. got anything to do?'

First thing's first, how'd he get his number? And what are those winky faces? And is he hinting on a date? And didn't  he tell Alfred not to send those pictures?
Oh, Alfred is dead.


Matthew was bored. There was practically nothing to do in the house, and the reality shows were getting really clichèd and boring. Alfred stuck to his promise, though, as he was currently buying the maple syrup he promised Matthew. Oh, and the pancakes. He made the pancakes today (although they were a little...too burnt), too.

With Alfred out of the house and him being the only one inside with nothing to do, he checked his phone for recent conversations. He scrolled until he found Gilbert's text, and well, reread it.

'p.s. got anything to do? ;)'

There's nothing bad about rereading a text, right? I mean, you don't really have any feelings for him, just bored and stuff... Or maybe..

Holy maple! He does not have feelings for him! Gilbert's just a dreamy guy whom he shared a drink with and... wildly made out with... That's all!

Fuck, did I just think 'dreamy'?

Oh, yes he did.

'p.s. got anything to do? ;)'

Matthew read the sentence over and over again, overanalyzing the wink face until he snapped back into reality. I mean, he was bored, and it would be quite nice to have someone to talk to at the moment. So...

After a few minutes of arguing with himself and contemplating over the existence of him and pancakes, he came to a decision.

(Politely) Fuck it.

A/N: You guys think Matthew's  a bit OOC here? I don't really do him a lot, but eh, I had fun xD

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