Dedication and..DediCKation

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A/N: Crappy title i know, but There's a surprise waiting for u here.

*crap dont read again i only updated this bc there was this missing word in a text that made me look illiterate

"Holy shit, finally."

It's one in the morning. The weary Prussian sighs, leaning against the backrest of the office chair he's been getting too familiar with. With all the time he has sacrificed working, Gilbert was able to save just enough money to pay for five to six months of rent, food and bills in the apartment he has planned to surprise Matthew with on his birthday.

'This'll show Bruder', the albino thinks to himself as he chugs the rest of his beer. Maybe for once his younger brother will be happy for him, seeing that he worked hard enough to rent his own apartment. Ludwig would be ecstatic to know that in a month, his house would no longer be infested by parasites.

He closes his eyes. He could almost imagine the life Matthew and him would have together in that new apartment. In the morning, he would have fluffy pancakes for breakfast and a good morning kiss. They would tour around the city in the afternoon and return by sunset. Then at the end of the day they'll cuddle and do shit.

Everything would be perfect.. As long as he fixes his conflict with Matthew. And his sleep schedule.

He wants to resolve the "quarrel" as quickly as possible, but as soon as he picks his phone up, he remembers what Francis has said to him a couple nights ago. Sometimes you have to listen to the people who sleep with everyone, because they know everyone. 

Ding dong.

The sound of the doorbell startles Gilbert, who almost fell from his chair. 'Who the fuck would be visiting at this hour?' he thought. He stands up, leaves his room and walks towards the door.  Right when he is about to pull the knob, he stops. Maybe it's just a couple of kids who think ringing bells and running is funny.

As he was about to walk back to his room, he hears a sniff.

'On second thought', he says to himself. 'What if it's a puppy?' 

This made the Prussian giddy. He doesn't care if he's already living with three dogs, he wants a cute, young puppy. With hopeful eyes, he turns around and again, walks towards the door. He turns the knob and pulls.

Theres no puppy.

Why is it that everytime he's expecting for something to be at the door, he's never right?

What he encounters instead is a taller sight; a blonde man who's back is turned, as if he was about to leave. He recognizes him. It isn't hard to recognize someone you've been familiar with for some time, particularly if that person is someone you love.

So much for Francis' advice.

"Matthew? It's late."

Matthew stops for a second. He turns around, revealing his heated face and watery eyes. All of a sudden the Canadian sprints towards the Prussian. Gilbert groans, his organs being crushed as he is hugged tightly by the blonde. With Matthew leaning on him he is forced to walk backwards, luckily stumbling on his couch. Confused, he pets Matthew's hair.

"I miss you," The Canadian uttered, voice cracking with emotion. "But y-you're stupid and you probably fucked your ex that night, so I still can't f-fucking trust you. Am I wrong? Prove me wrong."

The blonde is a hot mess; his hair fluffier than usual, clothes looking a bit worn and tints of red blotched over his forehead and tear stained cheeks. Gilbert shakes his head.

"Roderich is nothing to me, babe. We're just friends. I was only with him that night because he wanted a website made... Are you drunk?"

"No.. Only a bit. B-But it doesn't matter 'cause you held his wrist."

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