Indiana Jones and Change

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It's nighttime. Matthew sits on Gilbert's couch, huddling in a blanket. The bright screen of the television illuminates his face. Ever since the special moment, he always finds himself coming back to the Prussian's home. He feels a sense of comfort whenever he's in there. Away from his brother, and away from the loud parties. Gilbert sits with him, bringing some popcorn. On the Prussian's shoulder is Gilbird, whom he has come to love over the past few weeks. The yellow bird chirps happily and flies away. Gilbert kisses Matthew on the forehead and starts to cuddle with him.

"You know," Matthew says, "You could've gotten a cage for it."

Gilbird chuckles.

"But Gilbird looks happier flying around. Don't tell me you wanted to keep him just for observation."

Matthew shrugs. "No, but... he shits everywhere."

"...You have a point."

Gilbert grabs the remote control and starts flipping through channels. Matthew leans on the Prussian's shoulder, eating some popcorn.

They decide to watch the second half of Indiana Jones, which is showing in one of those channels that stream movies. Gilbert put his hand over Matthew's shoulder.

Matthew fixates on the screen, shoving popcorn in his mouth. He's never finished the latter part of the movie, and he didn't plan to until now.

"That's a lot of snakes..", Matthew mutters, slightly disgusted.

Gilbert, on the other hand, already knows what would happen to Jones, for he was forced to watch it with Alfred for at least a hundred times. His attention drifts away and he ends up thinking about the blonde right next to him.

He can't get used to Matthew, and he never will. He's just so perfect. The Prussian smiles at the thought of living together. Matthew's birthday is just two weeks away, and he can't wait to surprise him with the apartment. He's already told Alfred about it.

Matthew catches the Prussian staring. This does not stop Gilbert from looking away. As flustered as the Canadian can be, he attempts to focus on the movie. He can't. His eyes quickly dart towards Gilbert, who is smiling.

"Uhh... W-What the fuck, Gil.."

As if he snapped from a trance, Gilbert stops and chuckles.

"Heh, sorry. You're just so cute."

"That's the thousandth time you called me that today."

"But it's because you are cute and I love you. Love you, my Maple~"

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Matthew secretly loves it when Gilbert calls him cute. Or any other pleasant adjective. The nicknames, too. His cheeks are warming up; thank god it's dark.

"... I love you too. N-Now please stop, I wanna watch this."


Minutes pass, and Gilbert is bored out of his mind. He's already seen all the scenes and noticed ever detail. He's jaded.

Suddenly, he has an idea.

With a popcorn piece between his teeth, he nudges the Canadian. As Matthew turns to face Gilbert, the popcorn gets shoved inside his mouth. The Canadian pushes the albino away, crimson red.

"W-What was that for?"

Matthew crunches on the popcorn nonetheless. If it's inside his mouth, he might as well eat it (no perverts pls).

"I wanted to feed you. Wanna try again? You ate it."

"..I know what you're up to."

Gilbert smirks and leans close to Matthew.

"Well, is it working?"

The Canadian looks Gilbert up and down. He sighs.

"Can't we finish the movie?"

"How bout we make both ends meet? I'll feed you five more times and you'll get to finish the movie."

"This is so weird.."

"Kesese, do we have a deal?"


Matthew takes a piece of popcorn, putting it in his mouth. Gilbert raises a brow and smiles. Leaning towards the Prussian, the blonde kisses him. As Matthew is about to pass the popcorn over to Gilbert, he suddenly pulls back, chewing smugly.

"Fuck", Gilbert grins. "You're a tease."

"Please stop distracting me."

Ah, Gilbert thinks to himself. He constantly forgets that Matthew's not as shy as everyone thinks he is. At least, not to him. He has changed so much over the past months they've been together. Changed for the better, in fact. He's still so easy to fluster, though.

"Babe, one more thing."

"What is it?"

"It's been a while since we've gone out. Want to revisit that amusement park?"

Matthew smiles at this. He snuggles close to the Prussian, heart warm from all the sappiness that's going on.


"Cool, you can continue watching now."

"...Actually", Matthew mumbles. He grabs the remote and switches the television off, leaving them in the darkness.

"I just wanna cuddle."

"Great idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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