Toddler itachi

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Kisame was carrying Itachi through the unforgiving rain, hoping to find a motel or a inn of sorts.
The Uchiha had passed out randomly during their mission to capture a jinchuriki which due to this unforseen incident cost the duo the mission and the jinchuriki got away.
"D****t Itachi why you gotta pass out in the middle of our mission."
The Uchiha coughed up blood onto Kisame's cloak.
Kisame sighed as he continued to carry Itachi.
"You owe me for this."
The shark like man said as he continued to look for a inn.
Although Itachi's ability to speak was impaired due to the lack of air he was receiving his thoughts were intact and he knew he would die soon the over exertion of his mangekyo sharigan was deteriorating his body and he knew his death would come...he just wish he could have finished his plans.
"F forgive me."
Itachi manged to choke out but he coughed up more blood.
"Hey don't talk you're losing too much blood."
Kisame said.
Although the ninja didn't seem to care he was actually worried about his partner.
After five more minutes of walking Kisame saw a small village with a inn so the swordsman rushed into the village so he could rest and send in his report.
"We can rest here for tonight and then we can leave tomorrow."
Kisame said as he rushed to the motel.
Once Kisame made it inside the motel the lady at the counter saw the condition Itachi was in and she guided Kisame to a room.
"Enjoy your stay and don't worry about pay, I got you two covered."
The lady said as she left the room.
Kisame laid Itachi on the bed and he left the room.
"I'm going to talk to pain about this...try not to die."
Kisame said as he closed the door to the room so he can report to Pain.
Itachi laid on the bed, his breathing labored the Uchiha had not thought the draw back of his overuse of his sharigan will get to him so quickly but there's no point in thinking about this as Itachi was about to die the least he could do was come into terms with himself and find some type of peace within himself.
Itachi sighed as he closed his eyes awaiting oblivion.
"Oh a pity that you're dying so soon Itachi."
Itachi recognized that voice, a voice that was smooth as silk only to hide the man behind voice true intentions.
Itachi said.
Kabuto said as he pulled off his hood.
"Oh you're his subordinate."
Itachi said as he closed his eyes again.
"How the might have fallen right Itachi."
Kabuto mocked the incapacitated Uchiha.
"Why are you here Kabuto, let me die in my lonesome."
Itachi said.
Kabuto chuckled.
"You can't die I need you alive for my test."
Kabuto said as he took no time to stick a syringe into Itachi's skin injecting the ominous black liquid into the elder Uchiha's bloodstream.
"A poison?"
Itachi asked.
"Think of it as a cure."
Kabuto opened a window.
"We'll see each other again at a later day."
Kabuto jumped out the window after closing it behind him the snake sage fled the area.
"What did he mean by cure?"
Itachi thought to himself but before he could process anything that happened to him he blacked out.
After two hours of communication with the leader the shark like swordsman got up from his meditative position and he stretched.
"Maybe I should invest in one of those celleur phones they came up with it would make communication a lot easier."
Kisame said as he walked back into the bedroom to notice his partner was no longer present and that his clothes were left behind.
"Where did he run off to..oh well I'm not responsible for him."
Kisame said had fell into the bed but as soon as be did this he heared a yelp.
Kisame sprung from the bed with his sword in hand ready for a fight.
"Who's here."
Kisame said as he looked around him.
Kisame heard some type of rustling noise coming from under the blankets on the bed Itachi was on.
"What in the world."
Kisame pulled the blankets off the bed and he pointed his sword at a small child.
The child said as he looked up at Kisame.
The shark ninja had to process what's going on right now his dying partner is gone and in his stead is a small black haired child...who happened to look like him.
"What's your name kid?"
Kisame asked.
The child said softly.
Kisame sat on the bed rubbing his temples.
"This is starting to give me a headache.
Said the shark nin
So one out of two things just happend at this moment either his partner Itachi had a child this entire time and he just decided to leave ditch with the swordsman before the said uchiha left to go die somewhere......or this child is now Itachi.
"Wonder what the boss is gonna say about this."
Kisame said as he continued to rub his temples his headache getting worse.
The child saw how Kisame was suffering from his headache, so Itachi stood up and he started to rub the shark nin's temple's.
"What are you doing kid?"
Kisame asked.
"Me make ou head nod huwt."
Itachi said as he continued to rub the man's temples.
"How...nice of you.... thanks."
Kisame said as he closed his eyes hoping he can have a plan about the current situation.
"Awe ou sweepy?"
Itachi asked.
"No just... trying to figure out what were gonna do...I can't just ditch you..I guess I can take you back to our current base after it
stops raining."
Kisame propped his sword against the wall next to the bed be was on.
Kisame then realized that the child that was with him is actually naked.
"Hey kid do you need a...diaper?"
Itachi hoping Itachi would have no need for one.
The toddler nodded
Kisame groaned.
The shark ninja had hoped the toddler would have said no, Kisame pulled out his wallet to see how much money he had left.
"I don't think this will be enough."
Kisame said as be tried to figure out how was he going to purchase clothes and diapers until they can head back to the base.
Kisame saw a lady out under a umbrella holding her child with a bag full of baby supplies.
The shark nin grabbed his sword.
"Wait here kid and don't move."
Kisame said.
Itachi nodded.
The shark nin jumped out the window and he landed right in front of the women.
Kisame stood up and pointed his sword at the frightened women.
"Please don't kill us take anything you want."
The women said as she sheilded her baby away from the the swordsman.
Kisame mentally groaned he could not believe he was going to do this but it has to be done.
"Give that diaper bag."
Kisame said.
The woman shot Kisame a beweirded look.
"The bag full of baby supplies...give it to me."
Kisame said trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Do you have a child?"
The woman asked.
"That's none of your business, now give me the supplies."
Kisame said getting irritated.
"You know I could just give you some money if you're desperate for supplies for your baby."
The woman said handing the missing nin fifty dollars.
Kisame took the money and he used the body flicker technique to quickly escape the area.
"Such a devoted father."
The woman said as she continued to walk.
Kisame appeared back into view in front of itachi.
Kisame said as he sat on the bed.
"Me tay."
Itachi said.
"I see that glad that you actually stayed still."
Kisame said as he grabbed Itachi's discarded Akatsuki cloak and he wrapped it around the toddler and he left the inn through the window.
The rain had lessen it was not pouring down a hard anymore so Kisame did not that hard of a time making his way to town which was about ten minutes away from the inn.
Itachi was silent Kisame was wondering does his partner remember anything.
"Hey kid."
Kisame said.
Itachi looked up at the man that was carrying him.
"Do you know who I am."
Kisame asked the toddler.
Itachi said.
"Do you know why were here?"
Kisame asked the the toddler hoping he has a strand of his memories.
Itachi shook his head.
Kisame said.
"Dat bad."
Itachi said.
"I'm a adult I can say bad words."
Kisame said with a smirk
At least there was some part of the older Itachi in the child.
"Hey kid do you know who your parents are?".
Kisame asked.
Itachi replied.
Kisame now getting worried Itachi had devolped some kind of amnesia.
"Awe ou my daddy?"
Itachi asked.
"No I'm not your dad kid....I'm more like that fun uncle every family has."
Kisame said as he stopped walking he soon found saw the town ahead of.
"Okay kid when get into town if anyone ask I am your uncle and your parents ditched you on me so we need supplies."
"Maybe I should dumb it down a bit, he is a baby."
Kisame thought to himself.
Itachi said.
"A smart baby apparently."
Kisame thought to himself as he made his into town.
Once the duo were within the town Kisame looked around him he never seen a place like this before the technology astounded him, but he soon resumed his search for a general store of some type.
Itachi yawned.
Kisame looked down to see the toddler snuggling into him for comfort.
Kisame slightly smiled.
The shark nin found a decent looking store and he went inside, he was greeted woman who offered him a hand basket.
"Can I help you sir?"
The lady asked.
"Yeah I need to know where I can get baby stuff from."
Kisame said.
The lady pointed Kisame to his general direction and he made his way to his desired area.
After kisame stopped at the diaper section he looked at the huge selection before him he never there were different types of diapers before so the shark grabbed the medium sized diapers just to be safe.
"Okay kid time for some clothes."
Kisame said as he went to the clothes section and he grabbed the three outfits and two pair of shoes and he quickly rushed to the bathroom.
(Mens Restroom)
Kisame found a diaper changing station he pulled it down to reveal a table and he gentely placed Itachi on the table and Kisame began to dress the child the sudden movements woke the child up.
Itachi said as he rubbed his eyes.
"Hey kid welcome back."
Kisame said as he slipped the diaper on Itachi.
"Me was sweepy."
Itachi said.
"Yes you were but I did find this place."
Kisame said as he helped Itachi in his shorts and shirt and the his socks and shoes.
Itachi stomach started growling.
"I guessing your hungry huh Itachi."
Kisame said as he picked up the child and placed him on the floor.
"Whewe we go untle?"
Itachi asked.
"After we pay for this stuff we are going to get you some food."
Kisame said as he held onto the child's hand and walked out the restroom
Kisame walked to a register to pay for the items with the money he "stole" hoping he has enough left for some food, so that his youthful charge does not starve.
The cashier at the counter put all of the items inside a plastic bag and he handed it to Kisame along with his change which amounted to twenty dollars.
Kisame winced at the price of the items.
"Babies are expensive."
Kisame said as he grabbed his items and he left the store with Itachi in tow.
The shark nin looked down at the small child to notice how quiet he was.
"Hey you're kinda quiet for a baby."
Kisame said somewhat worried.
"Nod pose be woud."
Itachi said.
"Who told you that?"
Kisame asked.
Itachi said trying to remember the people that's in his life.
Kisame felt somewhat bad for the kid, so the shark nin scooped Itachi and be started tossing him in the air and catching him gently.
This earned a few giggles from the young uchiha.
"Heh heh."
Itachi smiled he had not had this much fun in awhile.
Kisame caught the child again and this time the swordsman placed the toddler upon his shoulders.
"Okay kid let's go get you some food alright."
Kisame said.
Itachi said happily.
Kisame stopped by a small restaurant he figured he can get some cheap food there so he walked inside the restaurant and he sat in a booth, placing Itachi on his lap.
The toddler's stomach started growling again this made the child wince in pain, tears started flowing down the child's face.
Kisame was quick to notice this.
"Hey you over there!"
Kisame called out to a waiter to get some food in Itachi fast.
The waiter walked up to the table.
"Can we help you sir."
The waiter asked.
"Get me a bowl of ramen and make it quick this kid is starving."
Kisame said trying to comfort the child.
"Y yes sir."
The waiter quickly left.
"Id huwt."
Itachi said as he clutched his stomach.
"Hey don't start crying kid."
Kisame said.
The waiter came back with a big bowl of ramen.
"Here you didn't specify what kind of ramen you wanted so I just got you basic beef ramen.
The waiter said.
"It's fine."
Kisame said as he grabbed a pair of chopsticks and he got some noodles.
"Here eat up kid."
Kisame said as he held the noodles up to Itachi.
Itachi ate the noodles from the chopsticks.
Itachi enjoyed the noodles.
"Alright you like them."
Kisame handed Itachi the chopsticks.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
Kisame asked.
"Dunno ow ta do id."
Itachi said.
Kisame sighed.
"Fine I'll feed you."
Kisame said as he began to feed the toddler the ramen.
After a good few minutes Itachi had ate the entire bowl of ramen.
"Feeling better?"
Kisame asked.
The uchiha nodded.
Kisame smirked
Said the shark nin.
Itachi snuggled himself into Kisame and he fell asleep.
"Heh you're tired just from sleeping and eating...wish things were that easy for me."
Kisame said as he paid for the food and he left the restaurant.
"I should probably head back to base and report this back to the leader.
Kisame said as he jumped into the trees to make his trip somewhat faster.

Toddler itachiWhere stories live. Discover now