Going to the movies

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(in itachi room)
Itachi=(yawn)no tiwed no more crib to high big brwudda.
(in the living room)
Konan=oh he is awake.
(in itachi room)
Itachi=big brwudda deidara=hey itachi did you sleep good.
Itachi=yeah. Deidara=okay(sniff sniff)what that horrible smell.
Itachi=dei daipy.
Deidara=ugh  should of let mom get you okay(picks up itachi) man this smell.
Itachi=heh heh.
Deidara=yet your laughing(put itachi on changing table)
Itachi=dirty daipy. Deidara=you did it okay(pulls off diaper)okay eww eww eww eww eww thats gross. Itachi=sazh me go to see ralph.
Deidara=cant wait.
Itachi=dei sazh wan see ralph to.
Deidara=well okay then okay now wipes where are the wipes.
Itachi=sazh wets go(hops off changing table)bye bye big brwudda.
Deidara=man where are those wipes it should not be this hard wait......Here they are okay itachi now  I  can finish changing you crap he left.
(in the living room) itachi=mommy.
Konan=hey itachi where is your diaper at and your so stinky.
Itachi=big brwudda was changing me and he look for wipey but he was took a long time so me go weave.
Konan=you just left just like that itachi you should not have done that he was changing you and he might be worried that you are gone.
Itachi=oh sowy mommy(lowers head)no mad mommy.
Konan=its okay just dont go off like that okay. Deidara=itachi dont run off like that okay your all smelly.
Itachi=heh heh okay big brwudda.
Deidara=okay now come on  I  got to finish changing you.
(in itachi room)
Deidara=okay  I  know(puts diaper on itachi)there done.
Itachi=yay(stomach growls)dei tummy talking sazh hungwy.
Deidara= I  am kinda hungry but we are going out to eat so lets eat an sandwich.
(in the kitchen)
Itachi=me want lots of jelly and peanut butter. Deidara=okay  I  just make an ham sandwich for me pb&j for you okay where is the peanut butter the jelly is in the fridge so oh here it is.
(4 minutes later) deidara=there now that  I  made the sandwich lets eat.
Itachi=it good.
Deidara=yeah  I  know want some juice.
Deidara=okay lets see what we got hmm apple juice or soda  I  will take that itachi here some apple juice.
Itachi=wat that.
Deidara=soda you cant have any.
Itachi=but why big brwudda.
Deidara=no you just cant its to fizzy for your umm tummy(pokes itachi stomach).
Itachi=heh heh dei pwease.
Deidara=no itachi you cant have any.
Itachi=pwease big brwudda.
Deidara=okay just an drop and you will see what  I  mean. Itachi=(tastes soda)mmm good(stomach starts to ache)ohhh tummy huwts. Deidara=told you so. Itachi=(burp).
Deidara=now lets go we got to get ready to go to the movies.
Itachi=yay wets go.
Deidara=first get something to wear tonight come on itachi.
(in deidara room)
Deidara=what to wear hmm oh  I  know wait something casual huh hmm oh this one(deidara gets an black t shirt with three skulls on it black converse dark semi skinny jeans and a studded belt)yes this  is what  I  am going to wear now for itachi.
(in itachi room)
Itachi=big brwudda when see ralph.
Deidara=we will in a little okay.
Itachi=okay me happy big brwudda sazh to.
Deidara=hmm oh  I  know  I  will dress itachi in something that will make konan go in cuteness shock(deidara got a pair of dark overalls with the uchiha symbol on the back an red t shirt and white shoes with an red nike check mark)you will wear this okay now we got to take baths.
(in the bathroom) deidara=okay(takes off itachi clothes and diaper)get in the tub.
Itachi=okay come on sazh.
Deidara=okay where is that weird no tears stuff. Itachi=take a baff wif me big brwudda.
Deidara=what no. Itachi=pwease.
Deidara=that face fine(takes off clothes and gets in tub)there now let me wash your hair.
Itachi=sazh to big brwudda.
Deidara=okay there.
Itachi=hey sazh(whispers in sazh ear)okay(splash water at deidara)
Deidara=hey(pour water on itachi)ha ha ha ha.
Itachi=no fa(splash water at deidara)ha ha.
(in the living room) konan=dont  I  look pretty in this outfit.
Pain=sure yes you do konan.
Kisame=anyway  I  think  I  should use an henge too(turns to vergil from devil may cry)there. Hidan=you look like an f******* gay.
Wzetsu=where is deidara and itachi.
Sasori=dont know.
Kakazu=dont know oh that reminds me  I  got to use my henge(turns to fang from maximum ride manga version).
Konan= I  will get them.
(in the hallway)
Deidara=hey no fair ha ha.
Itachi=ha ha ha ha ha ha. Konan=hmm(opens bathroom door)
(in the bathroom)
Konan=umm hey.
Deidara=oh hey konan umm  I  was just umm.
Konan=heh heh how cute taking an bath with itachi anyway get dressed we are leaving in a little bit. Deidara=okay.
Itachi=yay see ralph mommy.
Deidara=okay come on itachi lets get dressed.
In deidara room) deidara=okay  I  am now fully dressed  I  have to get you ready.
Itachi=heh heh.
Deidara=(put itachi on changing table)stay still finally got your diaper on now to get your diaper bag where is it okay five diapers powder wait konan said get your backpack here it is okay bottle wipes pacifier thats it now to get you dressed
Deidara=okay done lets go.
Itachi=yay wets go wait get sazh(gets sazh)okay wets go big brwudda.
Tobi=tobi ready.
Hidan=what does it f****** look like.
Konan=where is itachi and deidara.
Deidara=were here. Itachi=hewe mommy. Konan=oh itachi you look so cute.
Itachi=heh heh.
Pain=ready okay now everybody get in the   car since we all have vans thanks deidara.
(in the van)
Konan=wait we have to put itachi in a carseat let me install it okay done now we can get in.
(in the car)
Itachi=mommy look cow and birddie.
Konan=thats right your so smart.
Hidan=hip hip f******horray so he said some animals so what its not that d*** cool. Kakazu=(hits hidan)language around the baby.
Itachi=mommy look doggie.
Konan=yeah it is.
Kisame=well ain’t you the little smart one(ruffles itachi hair).
Itachi=yeah untle.
Pain=hey deidara. Deidara=(humming in the a).
Pain=deidara!!!! Deidara=swag so silly huh wha oh hey pain. Pain=turn down your music its to loud.
Deidara= I  have headphones.
Pain= I  can still hear it plus  I  do not like rap music.
Deidara=so play  the radio.
Pain=hey  I  am your father and  I  say.
Konan=both of you stop now pain let deidara listen to his music and play the radio deidara turn down your music just an little okay. Deidara=okay mom.
Sasori=when are we going to get there hidan is being an idiot.
Hidan=shut the f*** up pinoconio.
Wzetsu=language hidan. Hidan=(humph)
Itachi=mommy can haf juice umm pwease.
Konan=oh cute he is so polite sure honey here.
Itachi=thank you mommy. Konan=he so cute  I  cant stand it.
Deidara=hey look we are almost there.
Itachi=yay see ralph. Deidara= I  been dying to see this movie mostly its about games.
Konan=it seem good on the commercial so  I  am kinda curious.
Kakazu= I   remember playing those old games it seemed good.
Kisame=how old are you.
Deidara=wow   I  thought hidan was an gezzer.
Hidan=shut the umm  I  mean you know what shut the f*** up.
Itachi=(throws bottle at hidan)mommy say cursing bad.
Hidan=what the oww that hurt.
Pain=thats my boy. Itachi=(yawn)tiwed.
Deidara= I  will wake you up when we are there okay. Itachi=(nod)(goes to sleep) deidara=okay why is the movies so far.
Pain=we live in a cave thats located in the deep green forest what do you think.
Deidara=hmm hey look the parking lot.
Kakazu=good were here. Tobi=yay tobi like movies. Zetsu=okay  I  am going to get some meat  I  wonder they have hot dogs oh steak.
Konan=maybe hot dogs steak not so much.
Deidara=hey itachi wake up were here
Itachi=mmm up big brwudda. Deidara=okay(picks up itachi).
Itachi=noooo get sazh dei.
Deidara=okay okay here.
Itachi=thank you.
Pain=lets head in.

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