The Hospital part 2

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(few hours ago)
(with team taka)
(saskue and his team are in a inn reviewing a map of places itachi uchiha has been spotted)
Saskue=after we tried to chase him there he disappeared without a trace at this point of time.
(kabuto appeared out of the shadows)
Kabuto=hello saskue.
Saskue=what do you want kabuto.
Suigetsu=want me to slice him up for ya.
Kabuto=you do that you will never know what has happened to itachi.
(saskue quickly pushed suigetsu away and held kabuto by his robe)
Kabuto=heh heh.
Kabuto=before I tell you that piece of intel I need to tell you what I did to him.
Kabuto=well I was testing orochimaru's studies for living forever and to maintain youth but I came up with my first test but I did not want to test it on myself so I found a good test subject, itachi when I injected this into him while he was off guard he started to show a number of side effects  I  thought he was going to die but something else happened he turned into a toddler the first experiment worked...Worked to well ha ha ha ha!!!
Saskue=so he turned into a kid huh well it will make killing him all the more easier where is he?
Kabuto=he is at the hidden rain village hospital ER room 12.
Saskue=hm alright hebi let's go.
(so team hebi went for the hidden rain village)
Kabuto=heh heh let's see how will this will turn out.
(at the rain hospital)
(in itachi's er room)
(the doctors were currently  operating on itachi konan was still there helping her young child brethe while he was sliced open and being operated on konan wanted to scream she wanted to kill all the men and women in the room they cut itachi open she held herself she knew they had to do this but just the thought of it makes her mad as she was watching itachi breath slowly it turned out itachi had his lungs filled with fluid otherwise known as pneumonia)
Surgeon=alright he is gonna be okay.
Konan=he is!!
Surgeon=yes all we need to do is pump out the fluids out of his lungs and pump this highly alcoholic antibiotic liquid but it will burn his lungs and he need's stay still so we want you to calm him down the anesthesia for this medicine is to strong for a infant his age so we need you to calm him down.
Itachi=uhh m mommy.
Konan=hello sleepy head.
Itachi=mommy id huwt(sob sob) id huwt mak owies go away.
Konan=shh it's okay itachi don't worry it will be just a little longer after this you can have some ice cream.
(the surgeon started to pump the chemical through itachi's body to get rid of the virus and the infections it caused in the toddlers body this hurt itachi badly all they could hear was the crying but he stayed still konan was comforting him the surgeon got done itachi was cured of the vires so they went about sewing itachi back up they used a more potent anastasia this time then after a while surgery was over itachi was asleep)
(in the waiting room)
Saskue=this is the place where is he.
Suigetsu=let's interrogate one of these guys.
Deidara=oh no tobi you know who that is.
Tobi=he is itachi brother let's go meet him.
Deidara=are you insane he wants to kill itachi.
Tobi=oh yeah your right what should we do?
Deidara= I  got a plan we ambush him if we double team him we can beat him.
(tobi and deidara nodded in agreement so they disappeared and hid ready to strike)
Saskue=alright where is he.
Suigetsu=this is getting us no where.
(suigetsu grabbed a nurse by her hair and pointed his sword at her)
Nurse=ahhh help!!!!
Deidara=why would he do that are they really that evil.
Tobi=can we do it now dei?
Deidara=not yet.
Suigetsu=if nobody tell's us where a kid named itachi is at  I  will waste everybody here starting with this chick 1 2 3.
(suigetsu was about to harm  the nurse till deidara threw his clay bomb at suigetsu
And it exploded then tobi came out and tripped suigetsu which got suigetsu mad)
Tobi=heh heh.
(suigetsu punched the two boys in their stomach and they both fell to the ground)
Tobi=ow that really hurt.
(suigetsu was about to bring down his sword on the kids till)
(suigetsu sword clashed with another it was kisame and sasori)
Tobi=uncle kisa.
Deidara=(cough cough) uncle sasori.
Sasori=wow he did a number on you two.
(sasori noticed both of the boys were holding their stomachs sasori lift up their shirts and saw that they were sporting some really dark bruises)
Sasori=those do not look good pain is going to get mad at these guys for what they did to you.
Pain=mad mad does not begin to explain my anger  I  am furious so  I  am going to kill them one by one.
Saskue=that is the leader he's strong be careful jugo go.
Jugo=got it.
(both saskue and jugo launched at pain knowing pain can take on both of them and win kabuto's little experiment cannot be over quite yet)
(kabuto got between the three shinobi)
Kabuto=ah,ah,ah pain I cannot let you do that unless you go through me first.
Pain=fine sasori kisame you know what to do.
Sasori=right kakuzu and hidan are on their way zetsu should be here any minute now.
(zetsu appears from the floor)
Zetsu=or now.
Sasori=took you long enough here  I  got deidara you get tobi.
(so zetsu and sasori got the two boys)
(with kabuto and pain)
(the fight was intense the battle lasted between two people who was almost equal in skill but pain had something up his sleeve)
Pain=animal path go!
(pain summoned one of his six paths and she fought kabuto while pain was resting the path won and pain sent her away)
Kabuto=(huff huff)
(pain got one of his chakra receptors and was about kill kabuto till)
Kabuto=wait  I  can help itachi!!
Pain=what how!
(when pain had come back in with kabuto in tow hidan and kakazu had came and was fighting team hebi well more like toying with them)
Pain=that's enough.
Hidan=aww  I  was having fun what a way to kill my vibe.
Kabuto= I  have to heal itachi.
Suigetsu=you traitor!!
(pain kneed suigetsu in his stomach and sends him flying)
Pain=that is for my son's.
Tobi&deidara=thanks dad.
(in the er room)
(the surgeons had finished their job and left konan had stayed in the room with itachi who was still asleep)
Kabuto=he is not going to live.
Pain=it's okay konan he came here to help well  I  forced him to.
Kabuto=itachi is to young to go through major surgery so he will not last long so  I  can make him older again and he can be free of wounds.
Konan=make him older.
Pain=you did not say that.
Kabuto=it's the only way.
Kabuto= I  will leave you to think.
(kabuto waited outside the room)
Konan=pain but our baby boy.
Pain=yeah he didn't tell me that.
Konan=but  I  don't want him to be the way he was he is at his happiest this way.
Pain= I  know but we cannot let him die this way(sighs)you know what we have to do.
Konan=yes  I  know.
Kabuto=have you decided.
Pain=yes just do the d*** thing.
(saskue and jugo had activated their curse mark two forms and was kinda formidable against the akatsuki who was all a bit weak from missions till somebody showed up)
Tobi=he is older again.
(saskue activated his chidori)
Saskue= I  been waiting for this moment for years all the training the clan our parents can be avengend.
(saskue lunges towards itachi but that is when itachi grabbed sakue by his throat not choking him,itachi activates his sharigan flooding saskue's head with itachi's memories)
Itachi=there now you know.
Saskue=hebi let's go.
(saskue's team retreated kabuto furious about his little test not coming to an full end)
Pain=well son  I  mean itachi  I  guess uh we should head back home then.
Itachi=(sighs)not quite yet I stole something from kabuto I  am not yet redeemed.
Pain=what do you mean?
Itachi=this life for me is over I did things I regret and  I cannot atone for them in this life .
Konan=you don't mean.
Pain=itachi put it down.
Itachi=...Thank you.
(itachi got a vial and drank the blue fluid inside and he then started to glow bright then after all that itachi was a toddler again except he was under a pile of clothes from when he was older)
Itachi=id dawk hewe mommy!
(konan took the clothes off the toddler to find him naked under them all so she wrapped the older itachi's akatsuki cloak around the toddler and picked him up)
Konan=he's back my baby is back!
(at the base lab)
(sasori was checking itachi over)
Sasori=no scars or anything he's okay.
Pain=we have to figure this out later but now everything should be fine.
(then pain hears retching coming from two bathrooms)
Konan=umm pain tobi and dei are sick now.
Pain=well...God why .
Sasori=heh heh well lets go.

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