Dentist Appointment

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(1:00 o clock deidara room)
Itachi=big brwudda. Deidara=huh oh yeah itachi.
Itachi=me wan juice . Deidara=sure  I  have my sunny d stash here(sits up and gives itachi bottle)
Itachi=(cough cough). Deidara=oh forgot you need an sip cup things let me help(hold up bottle at an angle).
Itachi=(drinks juice). Deidara=done.
Deidara=good its kinda early to get up want to.
Itachi=me haf dweam. Deidara=oh really what was it about.
Itachi=me was wif snake man an he say me kill mommy an daddy but they hewe an it was dark an scawie(sniff sniff)(whimper)an me was awone(sniff sniff). Deidara=orochimaru look nobody is going to get you your safe with me and your sister mom dad well all of us.
Deidara=come turn that frown up side down.
Deidara=hmm(tickles itachi).
Itachi=ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!.
Deidara=see all better.
Deidara=today is the weekend want to watch some cartoons.
Itachi=wan watch spongebob.
Deidara=sure lets go in the living room.
(in the hallway)
Deidara=we got to be very quiet or we will wake up everybody except sasori he is an puppet and maybe tobi is awake too.
(in the living room)
Tobi=yay spongebob singing the fun song.
Tobi=hi tachi hi dei.
Deidara=tobi how old are you don't you think your to old for spongebob.
Tobi=tobi is 11 years old. Deidara=yeah a bit to old.
Tobi=hey yall want to watch spongebob.
Deidara=ugh  I  am starving but  I  dont feel like cooking.
Tobi=get cereal.
Itachi=me wan that to dei. Deidara=okay fine what kind.
Itachi=hmmm that one(points at crave cereal). Deidara=okay(pours bowl)here.
Itachi=thank you big brwudda.
Konan=hey boys what are you doing up its early. Tobi=watching spongebob. Konan=okay anyway yall have your dentist appointment today and itachi first time at an dentist so get dressed if you hurry  I  will get mc donalds.
Deidara=okay fine.
(tobi got dressed in old navy jacket finger less gloves dark jean pants and black sneakers deidara got dressed in red semi long shorts and black t-shirt with an red kings crown and black nike shoes and itachi was dressed in dark blue jeans pants and blue t shirt with an shark on it and police light up shoes) konan=my boys just look handsome.
Itachi=mommy pweatty. Konan=thank you itachi your sweet.
Deidara=is dad coming.
Pain=nope  I  am not going.
Konan=he had an bad experience at the dentist you see he has an big dent in his tooth.
Pain=hey thats an secret. Konan=whatever you say boys lets go oh yeah pain make sure you keep the base in one piece.
(in the car)
Deidara=we need wi fi.
Konan=we live in an deep green forest in an cave   I  really dont think we going to get that good of an signal here.
Deidara=buy an wi fi  modem.
Konan=with whos money.
Deidara=good point.
Tobi=mom  I  kept my teeth extra clean this time just like mr.Hershima say.
Konan=good tobi thats great and deidara how about you.
Konan=meh  I  dont think that is an word.
Itachi=mommy me made pee pee.
Konan=hmm tobi can you change itachi diaper.
Tobi=yes umm how you change an diaper.
Konan= I  will tell you okay. Tobi=okay(unbuckles itachi and lays him down)okay now what do  I  do.
Konan=you first  pull off his pants.
Tobi=okay(pulls off itachi pants)what else.
Konan=you see those little sticker tabs on the side of his diaper.
Tobi=huh what stickers.
Itachi=umm these thingie hewe brwudda.
Tobi=okay tobi sees them now what else.
Konan=peel them off. Tobi=done now what. Itachi=waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
Tobi=itachi dont cry whats wrong.
Deidara=hey make him stop.
Konan=oh we taking to long okay tobi just slip off the diaper.
Tobi=okay(takes off diaper).
Konan=now give his pacifier.
Tobi=okay. Itachi=waaaaaah(mumph)mmm.
Deidara=what was wrong with him.
Konan=he was wet and a little cranky.
Deidara=glad thats solved.
Tobi=but wait where does tachi diaper go.
Konan=good question hmm.
(blows up diaper)there and no mess.
Tobi=eww there diaper stuff all over back here.
Konan=no mess huh okay tobi put on an new diaper on itachi and  I  am stopping the car so deidara can clean this up.
(at the gas station)
Tobi= I ’m all clean now.
Konan= I  forgot he still has his pacifier.
Deidara=there done cleaning the car.
Konan=okay lets go.
(on the road)
Itachi=ha ha ha ha wubzzy funny.
Deidara=he really into that show wow babies get distracted.
Tobi=no wubzzy dont go in there.
Deidara=and whatever tobi is.
Itachi=heh heh(claps hands)
Konan=almost there guys.
Itachi=mommy wan juice pwease.
Konan=sure here you go(gives juice to itachi)
Itachi=thank you.
Deidara=oh check out this game crash fighters its awsome.
Tobi=oh  I  want to play to dei.
Deidara=actually tobi your terrible at games.
Tobi=no  I ’m not.
Deidara=you kinda are you died on mortal kombat  with out me playing.
Tobi=tobi is good at games.
Konan=hey stop it you to
Tobi&deidara=fine. Itachi=(burp)scuse me. Konan=okay we are here who ready to see dr.Hershima.
Tobi= I  am.
(in the waiting room) receptionist=hello konan let me  guess its tobi.
Konan=no he is clean this time but no  I  am here to have an dentist appoints with my kids and also to register one new kid.
Receptionist=you have an new kid who.
Konan=his name is itachi he is one year old has all his baby teeth he does takes medicine for his eyes when they start to ache.
Receptionist=okay got it so where is the little guy. Konan=he is over there. Receptionist=aww he just so cute.
Konan= I  know he just does  the cutest things too look he was playing super hero and he called himself diaper boy see here is an picture(shows picture)
Receptionist=aww thats so cute.
Konan=okay  I  got to wait with the boys...Okay so we all going in together cool smiles has great dental care.
Deidara=mom don't you think  I  am to old to be here.
Tobi= I  can't wait to get an new prize.
Itachi=mommy can me pway thewe.
Konan=yeah of course you can itachi.
Deidara=tobi take him to the play area and watch him.
Tobi=okay come on itachi. Itachi=mommy look wat me do.
Konan=huh oh itachi!!!.
(itachi was hanging up side down)
Konan=itachi dont do that you can hurt yourself.
Itachi=okay mommy me be good.
Konan=well you was not doing anything wrong just be careful.
Itachi=okay. Receptionist=okay deidara tobi itachi the dentist is ready to see you.
Itachi=wets go.
Konan=hold on wait.
(in the dentist room) hershima=hey tobi deidara and who are you little guy.
Itachi=ummm mommy say umm itachi.
Konan=good job. Hershima=hey itachi my name is dr.Hershima  I  am going to be your dentist from now on okay.
Hershima=so konan who is first.
Konan=itachi he seem excited.
Tobi=but  I  wanted to go first.
Konan=you will go after okay.
Hershima=now itachi  I  want you to lay down right here.
Hershima=now open wide. Itachi=(opens mouth)ahhhhhhhhh. Hershima=good job okay lets see your teeth hmmm they are an little new no plauque just an little faded okay now itachi  I  am going to clean your teeth with special tooth paste do not eat this. Itachi=okay.
Hershima=what flavor  I  got chocolate strawberry or vanilla.
Itachi=chocwate! Hershima=okay then(puts tooth  paste in tooth brush)
Hershima=okay now itachi see this it will suck the spit.
Hershima=yeah it is okay and done itachi thats all  I  have to do you did good. Itachi=mommy he say me good.
Konan= I  know he said you were being an good boy.
Hershima=and good boys get prizes.
Hershima=here itachi(gives toy robot).
Konan=what are you suppose to say.
Itachi=thank you.
(2 hours later)
Hershima=bye .
(in the car highway)
Konan=hey guys like  I  promised we can go to burger king.
Itachi=heh heh.
(at burger king)
Konan=okay what does everybody want to eat.
Deidara=chesse burger with fries and sprite.
Tobi= I  want the same thing.
Konan=itachi do you want an kids meal.
Itachi=wat dat?
Konan=its an meal where you can get an toy with your food.
Itachi=yeah wan that.
Tobi= I  want that to.
Konan=tobi we talked about this the kids meal never fill you up and you don't even use the toys.
Tobi=(humph)fine. Konan=okay(walks to counter)okay we will like an boy kids meal two chesse hamburger with an side of fries an root beer and a sprite and a small orange juice and an grilled chicken sandwich with natural cut fries and big red soda.
Cashier=okay that will be 12 dollars.
Konan=okay(hands money)alright.
Cashier=your order will be ready in a moment. Konan=(sits at table)deidara can you get itachi an high chair.
Tobi=hey konan when are we going to get our food. Konan=in an little.
(beep beep)
Konan=oh right now actually.
Itachi=mommy my tummy talking me am hungry. Konan=here is  your food itachi(hands kids meal). Itachi=mmm(eats chicken nugget).
Deidara=mmm chesse burger.
Itachi=ohh toy(takes out toy plane)heh swoosh heh.
Konan=tobi whats wrong. Tobi= I  wanted an toy to. Konan=but you have to get a kids meal and you can't get full on those.
Tobi=fine anyway  I ’m done. Deidara= I  am too. Itachi=(burp)(yawn)mmm. Deidara=okay(picks up itachi)your tired. Itachi=zzzzzzz.
Tobi=okay lets go.
(in the car)
Konan=itachi is just so cute when he is sleeping. Deidara=hey konan mind if  I  ask an question how are we going to take care of itachi education are we going to send him to an preschool.
Konan= I  dont know the time will come.
Tobi=hey momma for the holidays can  I  get an new mask.
Konan=we have to see what santa clause think.
Itachi=wat santa.
Deidara= I  will tell you later.

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