Brother Bonding

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(the next day)
(everybody was eating breakfast)
Pain=konan  I  love you're cooking(gulp)
Konan=aww thanks pain  I  bought the freshest eggs  I  could find.
Deidara= I  love it when you cook its so much gooder then these dummies.
Tobi=(munch munch) yeah.
Kisame=its still good though.
Konan=thanks what about you itachi?
(itachi grabbed some of his scrabble eggs konan made and shoved it in his mouth)
Pain=we got to teach this kid to use an fork.
Konan=but he makes up by being cute!!!!
(konan gets some paper towls and wipes itachi's face)
Itachi=heh heh.
Konan=want more itachi.
(konan gives itachi more scrabble eggs)
Kakuzu= I 'm glad we bought him that high chair otherwise food will be everywhere.
Konan=(sets a bottle of milk on the high chair)
Itachi=(drinks milk)
Sasori=is he to old for formula.
Konan=its not formula its whole milk.
Pain= I  thought you give him formula.
Konan= I  did at first but he spit it out
Everytime  I  try so  I  tried whole milk and he liked it.
Kisame=thats good.
Itachi=mommy me nod hungwy no moe.
Konan=you're tummy is all filled up.
Konan=alright you can watch tv.
(konan picks up itachi and puts him in his play pen in the living room)
(in the living room)
Konan=okay lets see what's on.
(konan stopped on dora christmas special)
Itachi=nooo mommy no wan dat no wike dowa!
Konan=why not she is smart and she can teach you stuff.
Itachi=nooo girls icky!!
Konan=alright let's see what else is on.
(konan kept on changing the channel till she stopped on wow wow wubbzy christmas special).
Konan=alright you watch that for an little.
(konan left the room)
Itachi=heh heh.
(once the show ended)
Itachi=wubbzy gone see sazh.
(all the adults got dressed into their winter clothes)
Pain=now remember we are gonna be gone for an while so you two take care of you're little brother and the base.
Tobi=okay dad!
Deidara=got it dad.
Pain=good alright everybody lets go.
(the adults left)
Deidara=alright you wanna watch tv?
(in the living room)
Itachi=bey bade bey bade!!!
Deidara= I  wonder why he loves this show.
(deidara changes the channel)
Deidara=hey itachi beyblade is lame let me show you something cooler.
Itachi=noo wan beybade!!!
Tobi=beyblade is dumb lets watch umm oh bakugan.
Deidara=bakugan is cool.
Itachi=noo(stomps feet) beybade beybade!!!!
Deidara=calm down here is you're show.
Itachi=beybade heh heh.
Deidara=so what do you want for chritsmas.
Tobi=umm lots of toys!!
Deidara= I  do to!.
Itachi=beybade gone.
Deidara=it went off.
Tobi=lets watch power rangers.
(the older kids smelt the air)
Deidara=alright no more eggs for you.
Itachi=(lifts arms).
(deidara picks up itachi and walks to the nursery)
(in itachi's room)
Deidara=(sets itachi on changing table)okay its you're turn tobi.
Tobi=ugh okay.
(tobi takes itachi's footie pajamas and then itachi's diaper off)
Tobi=eww ew ew ew!!(throws diaper away) okay now you.
Deidara=worst part of all pass me the baby wipes.
(deidara wiped off itachi)
Deidara=there now new diaper.
(beyblade comes on)
(itachi goes on all fours and tries to crawl off the changing table but deidara grabed him)
Deidara=hey hold on.
Itachi=beybade wan beybade!!!
Deidara=it can wait.
Tobi=tachi stay still  I  need to put you're diaper on you.
(tobi puts the diaper on itachi and zips his pajamas back up)
(in the living room)
Itachi=heh heh beybade.
Tobi= I 'm bored.
Deidara=wait till this show is over and we can play xbox.
(beyblade went off)
Itachi=beybade gone.
(deidara took no time to hook up the xbox 360)
Itachi=wat dat?
Tobi=its our game thing.
Itachi=wan pway.
Deidara=umm sure after us.
Deidara=now its time for ultimate marvel vs capcom 3.
(itachi climbed on the couch and snuggled between deidara and tobi)
Itachi=(yawn) mmmm
(after an hour of watching the two play video games itachi fell asleep)
Deidara=he fell asleep.
Tobi=he did.
Deidara= I 'll take him to bed.
(when deidara tried to get up itachi started to whimper so deidara sat back down)
Deidara=he will wake up in a little bit.
(so tobi and deidara stayed on the couch they soon fell asleep to)
(few minutes later)
Pain=we're back.
Kisame=its quiet.
Sasori=yeah a bit to quiet.
Zetsu=you don't think.
Kakuzu=be on your guard.
(the akatsuki sneaked in the living room to see that their boys had fallen asleep together)
Pain=(hn) good job boys.
Kisame= I  got the boys.
Konan= I 'll get itachi.
(kisame put the boys in their rooms and konan put itachi in the nursery and tucked him in his crib)

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