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I tried to open my eyes but they were tightly shut, as if somebody put tape over them. I tried to move but it hurt, so I stopped. My neck felt sore and I felt sleepy.

I could hear the faint beat of my heart and fell asleep to that sound, like it was my lullaby. Before I fell into my dreamless sleep, I felt a warm hand intertwine with my pale, cold one.

It felt nice, and comforting.


I woke up to low and hushed voices murmuring near me, interrupting my beauty sleep. I was still sleepy and very tired even though I just slept for more than- how much time passed? Two hours?

My head was numb and I frowned a little, why do I feel like I need an aspirin?

"Will she be okay?"

I frowned yet again, something happened to me? I'm laying on my bed and everything's fine- oh. Just then I got hit by a thousands of memories flashed before me; me crying and being numb, me feeling weak, and then suiciding. A failed attempt of suiciding. A small voice corrected me.

"Yeah she will in a couple hours or so, she just needs some rest."

"Okay, great. Uh- can I be here?"

"Who are you to her?"

"Uh... Her boyfrien- brother."

I smiled, I think I know who this particular stranger is. I pictured the doctor raising his eyebrows and thinking to himself, "Oh wow look another Jenna-Toby relationship."

"Okay.. Just call a nurse or me if something happens."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

I could hear the door close quietly and then the room was filled with calm silence shared between me and my so called brother.

The quietness in the room made my muscles be at ease. I could hear Stiles's silent sighs and then an Angry Birds theme song.

I smiled silently.

My mouth was still shut, but my eyes could finally open slowly.

The room was all white and it blinded my eyes with their burning brightness. The IV was right next to me and a Samsung TV was on the ceiling.

Stiles was sitting on a chair, biting his nails and he looked devastated. I don't know about what though; either that he lost an important game in his video game or about me. His hair was a bit messy, but wasn't it always messy. There were dark, purple circles under his eyes and his face was pale, devoid of any colors. His left foot will occasionally bounce up and down like a beat, and he stopped playing. Scowling at his phone and saying how Angry Birds went downhill lately.

Some slow seconds passed and I finally tried to call his name but all that came out was a groan.

His eyes opened the moment I let out a sound and his whole body seemed to lighten up at the moment he saw me alive. And breathing.

"Oh my god Lyds- Lydia. Never ever- never scare me like that again. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to a park- or something. It's good that you never lock the doors- you could have been dead. And then I saw you hanged on that rope and God. I nearly shat myself! I didn't know what to d-"

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