Tagged again. Sorry, I have gotten so slack on updating your requests...

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Okay so I was tagged by a friend, and this is what you get XD

Warning: I probably can't limit it to one.

Favourite song: Fuck, I don't know anymore. Lately I've been listening to Holy Night from Toradora! Even though it's nowheres near Christmas, I don't care. And I really like Sarcasm - Get Scared (even though the song has a messed up meaning), The Haunting and Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off, Immortals- Fall-Out Boy, I can't name them all, but a lot of them are Black Veil Brides songs, but I can't narrow down which one I like the most. I also like some One Direction songs, like Drag Me Down (nightcore) and They Don't Know About Us (nightcore) (really good song ❤️)
I also like this song called Senpai by Shiki (free verse version)

Favourite sport: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, No Gi Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, (I'm a combat kinda guy, I like these martial arts. I've taken Muay Thai, and I'm in No Gi Jiu Jitsu, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.) and basketball.

Favourite band: Black Veil Brides, Set It Off, My Chemical Romance, One Direction, (I'm not a crazy obsessed kid though, just some songs I like.) and Demon Hunter

Favourite show: Watamote, (don't judge XD ) Attack On Titan, Toradora!, Naruto, and a lot of other anime (No, not ecchi or hentai) but if anime doesn't count, I would say Friends.

Favourite movie: The Karate Kid (with Ralph Maccio, not Jayden Smith) from the 1980's.

Favourite colour: black isn't a colour, it's a shade so I can't say that, so dark purple, or blood red XD

Favourite food: idk, I like maki rolls (sushi) but I also like Lucky Charms, and I really like cheese cake, especially when it's dumped into Kraft Dinner. Yes, I ate that, and it was amazing.

Favourite drink: Dr. Pepper, pink Powerade, Coca-Cola, blue Gatorade, milk, orange Crush, cream soda (the nectar of the gods) and vanilla milk shakes, if they count.

Favourite video game: it all depends on what I'm in the mood for really. I usually only play old-school video games like Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3 (I don't really like 2), Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxia, Pole Position, Dig-Dug, Super Mario World, The Legend Of Zelda, (when I feel like being confused) Punch-Out! With Mr. Dream. I also very much like Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort and Mario Kart Wii. Also Rage Of The Gladiators. So I really don't have one specific favourite game, I have many. I don't have a xBox or PlayStation, so I don't play anything like Fall-Out 3, I just buy games off the Wii store thingy. When I can find/afford a card though XD


That's everyone, I was gonna tag more, but I forgot your username and didn't want to expose your real name.

Thank you for reading this^-^
-Mr. Poptart

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