Chapter One

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Gerard stumbled into the mouth of the volcano cave, fighting a little at his restraints. He knew perfectly well what was coming for him if he were to step into the main chamber, he would die. He would die like all of the past sacrifices to the volcano God, and his home and everyone in it would continue to prosper and live peacefully.

In all honesty, Gerard couldn't really say anything that bad about the volcano God, after all, he only demanded a sacrifice once a year, always on the same day. One person per year. It could have been a lot worse.

He felt a shove to his back and huffed, knowing it was one of the people guarding the entrance. Gerard scowled a little. "Alright, alright. I'm going." He sped up his pace just enough that they wouldn't keep pushing him.

Soon enough he came upon the main chamber, a beautifully decorated door being all that stood in his way of death. One of the guards looked him over and then knocked on the door which flew open with a slam causing the human to jump a little.

The guard that had done the knocking stepped in and cleared his throat. "The sacrifice has arrived."

"Bring him forward."

The other guard grabbed Gerard by his restrained wrists and practically dragged him into the room, thrusting him forward into the volcano Gods line of sight.

"Leave." He demanded, looking to the guards who did as told without a second thought, the door slamming shut after them, with the flick of the gods wrist.

Gerard let himself look up at the man sitting in front of him, he was very attractive, he couldn't deny that.

The volcano God stood from his throne, walking down the stone steps in a way that only royalty would, his entire aura screaming about just how much power he had and the high opinion he seemed to have about himself, or at least that's how it seemed to the human standing before him.

He kept his gaze low, knowing that he was nothing, but a sacrifice and had no right to fully look upon someone such as the man, no, God in front of him.

"Look at me." His firm voice commanded suddenly.

As if an external force had made him, Gerard's head snapped up, but he still said nothing.

"That's better..." The God mused, circling around him, looking him over. "I must say... You're the prettiest sacrifice I've had yet..." He smirked, gripping Gerard by his chin and turning his face side to side before letting go.

Gerard furrowed his eyebrows, shouldn't he have already been sacrificed? He knew from the ones he had seen that usually right after the sacrifice walked in he would see them being casted into the volcano.

"I think I might keep you as an offering, rather than a sacrifice, at least until I'm bored of you. As my offering, you will do whatever I say, whenever I say it." The god turned his gaze from the human, to the doors. "Tell them I thank them for their offering and they will have another year of peace and prosperity!" His command boomed through the chamber.

Gerard's confusion seemed to get the better of him, as he ended up speaking, "offering..? You mean I'm not going to die?"

"Not yet. Not until I've had my fill of you."

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