Chapter Two

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Those words made Gerard's blood run cold. Just what exactly was the volcano god going to do to him?

He watched the god go back up to his throne, turning and sitting in it so that his legs hung over the one arm and his back leaned against the other.

"Well, offering, what do I call you?"


The volcano god let out a short hum of acknowledgement and observed the taller man for a moment. "Alright, well Gerard-" he made a point of emphasizing the name- "you may call me Frank. I don't much care for the names that you humans come up with for me."

The human nodded to show he understood, still standing awkwardly at the base of the stairs leading up to the throne that sat in the centre of a pool of red hot magma.

Frank sighed deeply when he saw Gerard's stature. "Jesus, come sit by my throne would you, I won't bite- much." A small smirk curled at his lips as he saw the expression on the other's face.

He didn't argue, just blushed at the comment and quickly moved up the steps to sit next to the over-glorified chair, trying to make myself comfortable on the marble slab.

Frank peered behind him and noticed that his hands were still restrained so he grabbed a small, golden dagger from the little pedestal on the other side of him and reached down to cut the ropes.

When Gerard saw the knife his eyes widened and he shifted away. "Please don't hurt me!" He pleaded, cowering slightly.

He rolled his eyes and glared at him. "Calm down human and come back here. I was simply going to cut your bonds...." Frank huffed, waiting for Gerard to do as told.

Gerard relaxed slightly. "Oh." He shifted back into place again, turning slightly so that Frank would have better access to the ropes.

Frank angled the dagger and placed it to the restraints, slicing them off without a single cut to the humans skin. "There we are, no more restraints."

The human sighed in relief and moved again so he was facing forward, hands in front of himself, rubbing at his wrists which had rather dark red rings around them. "Thank you... Frank." He said, testing the name on his tongue for the first time.

The God grinned a bit at his name being used. He didn't know why exactly he had chosen that name of all things, but he liked it. One of his past sacrifices had had that name, he liked it a lot then as well.

He glanced towards a small table filled with food and then back at Gerard, humming a bit to himself before he spoke. "Go get me a platter of food." Frank ordered.

Gerard wasted no time in getting up, bowing his head slightly and then quickly moved down the steps once more, nearly tripping around the last one.

The human caught himself and then went along to the table, grabbing a platter and placing some food on it for Frank.

When he had finished filling it up, he headed back, steps slowed down now as he didn't exactly want to trip with all of this food and upset the God. He figured if he got Frank angry he would immediately be sacrificed and as much as being his slave scared Gerard, being killed was far more terrifying now.

Frank watched him in amusement, he could tell Gerard was being careful as to not upset him and to be honest, he found it both adorable and hilarious. He wasn't going to kill someone so pretty unless he absolutely had to- unless the human did something truly punishable- or if Frank got bored of him. That was a factor too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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