his first fit

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Caspar's pov
I find Joe asleep on his bed,
Poor boy why is he always so tired and thin
I think watching the small boy sleep. I take a picture

 I take a picture

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I send it to zoe

(image attached)
yo zo is Joe normally like this?

yes he gets tired quite quickly and he has had troubles with his sleeping since our Father started 👊 him

oh okay should I wake him up for food or just let him sleep

let him sleep cas but text me if he doesn't wake up in 2 hours


caspar since our Father started 👊 him he hasn't been able to sleep longer then 1 hour unless he has been knocked out, passed out or he has taken sleeping pills

okay zo

I watch Joe for a bit but then go start on my homework.
Time skip
I have finally got through all my homework and it's been 2 hours. I walk in and check Joe.
Fuck he is still asleep
I think and pull out my phone
zoe he is still asleep!

okay caspar I'll be with ypu on a min cam ypu unlock your door and then stay with Joe

yerp will do

I unlock the apartment door and then sit in joe's room watching him.
zoe shouts walking on the door.
"yea im in joe's room!"
I shout back she and Alfie walk into the room. I don't look at them when they come in I stay watching Joe
"casp are you okay?"
Alfie asks
"mm yh!"
I say not looking away from Joe. Zoe walks over and sits beside him, she shakes his shoulder and he finches and stirs
"z-zoe what happend? When did you get here?"
he asks his voice croacky

 "Joe I got here 10 minutes ago with Alfie, Caspar text saying he came home and found you asleep he only left the changing room 10 minutes after you and it takes him 5 to get here! Joe are you okay?"

she tells her younger brother who nods arwnsering zoe's question,
"shall we go onto the lounge?" 

Alfie asks walking out the room I help Joe up and follow with zoe.

We sit on the floor talking about random stuff including the life studies project, that we have to do and Joe seams to keep zoning out for short amounts of time and not realise, he looks at me and I smile, he suddenly asks
"where am I?",
he looks confused for about 20 seconds and then he goes back to his usual self.

What the fuck just happend
I ask myself
"Joe what happend?"
zoe asks her voice full of worry for Joe
"What do you mean zoe nothing happened?"
he says looking at me confused

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